Yusuf Sağ

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Yusuf Sağ (* 1935 in İdil , Şırnak , Turkey ) is choir bishop and patriarchal vicar of the Syrian Catholic Church in Turkey.


Yusuf Sağ was ordained a priest on February 14, 1964 after completing his pastoral training in Lebanon . From 1964 to 1970 he was pastor in Mardin and Diyarbakır , a NATO base . In 1980 he became deputy to Patrik Vekili , the patriarch of Sweden. In 1981 he became the deputy of Ruhani Reisler , the patriarch in Turkey. In 1987 he was appointed Chorepiskopos , a priest with episcopal dignity.

Yusuf Sağ is Patriarchal Vicar of the Syrian Catholic Church in Turkey based in Istanbul , previously Mardin. As a representative of the Syrian Catholic Church united with Rome, he is a member of the Turkish Catholic Bishops' Conference and there President of the Commission for Interreligious Dialogue.

He is the only Turkish cleric of the Syrian Catholic Church in Turkey.

Individual evidence

  1. Papa misyonerlik için geldiği lafları boş şeylert ( Memento from February 1, 2013 in the web archive archive.today ), Gazete, November 22, 2006
  2. ^ A b Luigi Padovese: Christians in Turkey: Past and Present. (PDF; 60 kB) p. 7
  3. Herder Korrespondenz 57 (2003), Issue 11, pp. 568-572