Zacharias Praetorius

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Zacharias Praetorius (originally Breiter ) (born April 14, 1535 in Mansfeld , † December 22, 1575 in Eisleben ) was a poet and theologian.

His parents were councilor Sebastian Breiter and Margarete Platner from Stolberg, who were friends with Martin Luther . From 1553 he studied at the Leucorea in Wittenberg , where he was crowned poeta laureatus in 1556 and passed his master's degree in 1557. On the advice of Philipp Melanchthon , who considered him the most skilful poet in Germany, he latinized his name.

From 1559 he worked as a deacon at the St. Andreas Church in Eisleben, between 1564 and 1569 in Orth an der Donau and then again in Eisleben, where he was deposed in 1575 because of his criticism of the expulsion of his colleague Cyriacus Spangenberg .

During his studies, Praetorius published many Latin counter-texts and translated Luther's hymns into Latin verse. With Johannes Aurifaber (Vimariensis) he also contributed to his table speeches. In Eisleben, in addition to sermons, he also published pamphlets and a catechism.


  • lu:  Praetorius, Zacharias . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 26, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1888, p. 535.
  • Theodor Wotschke Zacharias Praetorius. A 16th century Latinist . In: Zeitschrift des Harzverein für Geschichte und Altertumskunde 60 (1927), pp. 38–69.
  • Lothar Berndorff: The preachers of the county of Mansfeld: an investigation into special spiritual awareness in the second half of the 16th century . Universitätsverlag Potsdam, 2010, pp. 88–91.

Individual evidence
