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Dentex (Dentex dentex)

Dentex ( Dentex dentex )

Spinefish (Acanthopterygii)
Perch relatives (Percomorphaceae)
Order : Spariformes
Family : Sea bream (Sparidae)
Genre : Dentex
Type : Dentex
Scientific name
Dentex dentex
( Linnaeus , 1758)

The Dentex ( Dentex Dentex ) is a fish of the family of sea bream (Sparidae).


The dentex has a laterally flattened, oval body. Adult specimens can reach a body length of up to one meter and a weight of up to 14 kilograms. The back and the flanks of the old animals are blue-gray, the younger animals are more brown-blue with darker fins.

The undivided dorsal fin has 11 hard fin spines and then 11 to 12 soft, the anal fin 3 hard and 7 to 9 soft fin rays.


The main distribution area of ​​the dentex is the Mediterranean . Occurrences are found in the Black Sea and the Eastern Atlantic from the British Isles to the level of Mauritania and sometimes to Senegal and the Canary Islands and Madeira .

Way of life

The older fish swim mostly individually, while the young fish form schools or small groups. The preferred subsoil consists of rock or sandy soil. The preferred depths are between 15 and 50 meters of the Eulitoral , but they occur up to a depth of 200 m. Teeth bream are active hunters and feed on smaller fish, mollusks, and octopus.

Although dentex (unlike some other species of sea bream, such as sea bream or red bream ) do not change sex in the course of life, young individuals can also be hermaphrodites . In the Mediterranean, the spawning season is between March and May.


The dentex is one of eleven species in the genus Dentex .

supporting documents

Individual evidence

  1. according to ITIS


  • Patrick Louisy, Egidio Trainito Ed .: Guida all'identificazione dei pesci marini d'Europa e del Mediterraneo. Il Castello, Milan 2006, ISBN 8-880-3947-2X
  • William N. Eschmayer (Ed.): Special Publication of the Center for Biodiversity Research and Information, no.1 , vol 1-3, Catalog of Fishes California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco 1998, p. 2905, ISBN 0-940228- 47-5

Web links

Commons : Dentex dentex  - collection of images, videos and audio files