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Zariadris ( Greek  Ζαρίαδρις even Zariadres; † around 163 BC..) Of the dynasty of Orontids the founder of the East today was Turkey situated Hellenistic kingdom Sophene .

Zariadris was probably a son of the Armenian king Xerxes . Around 202 BC His father was from his wife Antiochis , a sister of the Seleucids Antiochus III. , murdered. Antiochus then installed two of his generals, Zariadris and his relatives Artaxias , as governors in Armenia. After the Seleucid defeat in the Battle of Magnesia (190/189 BC) against the Romans , the two went independent and assumed the title of king. Zariadris has since ruled in the kingdom of Sophene in western Armenia and Artaxias in eastern Armenia.

Zariadris, who had significantly enlarged his kingdom, died around 163 BC. Artaxias of Armenia then proposed to his Cappadocian colleague Ariarathes V to kill the sons of Zariadris and to divide the Sophene between their two kingdoms. Ariarathes left Mithrobuzanes , who was at his court at that time, unmolested and he was able to succeed his father. Descendants of Zariadris ruled the Kingdom of Sophene until it was defeated by the Armenian King Tigranes II around 93 BC. Chr.




  1. On the murder of Xerxes John of Antioch , Fragment 53 ( Fragmenta historicorum graecorum . Volume 4, p. 557).
  2. On the ascent of Zariadris and Artaxias Strabo 11,14,5 ; 11,14,15 .
  3. On the territorial expansion of the Kingdom of Strabo 11,14,5 .
  4. The circumstances of Mithrobuzan's accession to the throne are reported by Diodorus 31:22 and (without naming) Polybios 31:16 .
  5. At the end of the kingdom of Strabo 11:14, 15 .