from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia is a popular Ukrainian Galician online newspaper published in Lviv since May 4th 2007 .

Lviv's first online newspaper was founded in the context of the dissolution of the Ukrainian parliament by President Viktor Yanukovych in April 2007 and the upcoming parliamentary elections in Ukraine in 2007 . It complements the Kiev online newspaper Ukrajinska Prawda, founded seven years earlier by Heorhij Gongadze , who temporarily lived in Lviv, with articles mainly from western Ukraine.

In currently nine main categories - Lviv, society, economy, IQ, culture, world, sport, photo, prices - in addition to general news, experts not only from Lviv regularly publish their contributions in articles and occasionally in blogs.

In particular, the context of the Euromaidan 2013/14 and the subsequent war in Eastern Ukraine were devoted to numerous articles, which occasionally appeared in German in the Ukraine-Nachrichten (online newspaper) . Due to the news and especially the articles and blogs, is an important media portal for life in western Ukraine and beyond, alongside the second Lviv online magazine Zbruč, which was later created .

The important regular authors, mostly from Lviv, include historians such as Jaroslaw Hrytsak , Oksana Kis, Wassyl Rassewytsch , cultural actors such as Taras Wozniak , Myroslaw Marynowytsch , writers such as Andrij Bondar , Tymofij Hawryliw . appears under the direction of editor-in-chief Vasyl Rassewytsch (since 2011) and is part of the media holding of the Lviv mayor Andrij Sadowyj : Founders were the Teleradiokompania Lux and its general director Roman Andrejko .

The TV program TV now also belongs to the magazine.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. A total of over 100 articles in German have been published on the Ukraine press clipping site since 2009.