Andrij Bondar

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Andrij Bondar, 2015

Andriy Bondar Wolodymyrowytsch ( Ukrainian Андрій Володимирович Бондар ;. Scientific transliteration Andriy Bondar Volodymyrovyč * 14. August 1974 in Kamianets-Podilskyi , Khmelnytskyi Oblast ) is a Ukrainian writer , poet , journalist , blogger and translator . Since 1998 he has been a member of the Association of Ukrainian Writers ( Assoziazija ukraïns'kych pysmennykiv - AUP ).


After finishing school, Bondar studied philology at the then Pedagogical Institute in Kamyanets-Podilskyj from 1991 to 1994 . Subsequently, he deepened his studies until 2001 at the Kiev National University of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy .

1998–2000 editor-in-chief of the “Literatura plus” magazine of the Association of Ukrainian Writers. 2001–2002 deputy editor of the magazine "Jewa". 2001–2007 editor of the literary section of the weekly newspaper “Dserkalo tyschnja” and “Hazeta po-ukrajinskyj”, where he also wrote as a columnist in 2006.

He is married to the writer Sofija Andruchowytsch .

Since the beginning of November 2013 he has been to the Kiev Euromaidan , about which he has been writing intensively in his witty, often snappy and ironic Facebook blogs, as well as the current political and social situation in Ukraine . Bondar is currently one of the most popular Ukrainian bloggers of his younger generation of writers.

Awards and grants

After receiving an award from the Smoloskyp publishing house in 1997, Bondar received scholarships in Poland (Gaude polonia in Warsaw and homines urbani in Krakow ) and through participation in European literary festivals.



  • Vesinnja jeres' ("Spring Heresia "); Весіння єресь (1998)
  • Istyna i med ("Truth and Honey"); Істина і мед (2001)
  • MASKUL'T ; together with Serhij Schadan and Jurij Andruchowytsch , (2003)
  • Prymityvni formy vlasnosti ("Primitive forms of possession"); Примітивні форми власності (2004)
  • 100 tysjač sliv pro lubov, vključajučy vyhyky (“100 words about love, including shouting”); 100 тисяч слів про любов, включаючи вигуки, together with numerous other Ukrainian authors (2008)
  • Metamorfozy: 10 ukraïns'kych poetiv ostannich 10 rokiv ("Metamorphoses. 10 Ukrainian authors of the last 10 years"); Метаморфози: 10 українських поетів останніх 10 років (2011)
  • Pisni pisni. Zbirka nyzkoï poeziï ta prymitivnoï liryky . (2014)


  • Knyha opovidan '. 13 rizdvjanych istorij ( "Book of Stories 13 Christmas stories."); Книга оповідань. 13 різдвяних історій (2014)
  • A tym, ščo v grobach . (2016)
  • Cerebro (Церебро). (2018)

Collections of articles

  • Avtors'ka kolonka ("Authors' Column "); Авторська колонка , with several others, (2007)
  • Morkvjanyj lid ("carrot ice cream"); Морквяний лід (2012)


  • Počatky. Antolohija molodoï ukraïns'koï poeziï ("Beginnings. Anthology of Young Ukrainian Poetry"); антологія молодої української поезії «Початки» (1998)
  • Protyznačennja. Bilingvistyčna antolohija ukraïns'koï poeziï (" Equivalent . Bilingual anthology of Ukrainian poetry"); білінгвістична антологія української поезії «Протизначення» , with Tetjana Donij (2001)

scientific publications

  • "Proty poetiv" Vitol'da Gombrovyča jak romantyzm pislja modernizmu (Against the poets of Witold Gombrowicz as romanticism after modernity), in: Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA Filolohia 17 (1999) 92-94.
  • Poema M. Bažana “Slipci” jak tekst-vyklyk: sproba teoretyčnoho modeljuvannja (The poem M. Baschan's “Blind people” as text and appeal: attempt at theoretical modeling), in: Sučasnist '12 (1998) 70-87.
  • "Stadija lamannja" M. Ryl's'koho (1929–1934): sproba dyskursyvnoho analizu (stage of the collapse of M. Rylksij (1929–1934). An attempt at a discus analysis), in: Naukovi zapysky NaUKMA Filolohia 4 (1998) 606-63.
  • (with K. Botanov) Novitnja ukrains'ka poezija: henerazija iks, abo otrujennja holosom nevidomoho (The latest Ukrainian poetry: Generation X or poisoning by an unknown voice), in: Dyvoslovo 2 (1998) 2-5.


Bondar has translated over a dozen works, mainly novels and literary and social studies, from Polish since 2002, see the Ukrainian Wikipedia version. In summer 2015 his translation of Peter Pomerantsev's presentation "Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible: The Surreal Heart of the New Russia" was published.


  • I. Rymaruk, Art. Bondar, in: Encyklopedija sučasnoi Ukrainy 3 (2004) 246.
  • O. Hutyk, Interv'ju s A. Bondarem, in: Vysokyj zamok 14/5078 (January 30 - February 5, 2014) 9.