Zenel Gjoleka

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Zenel Hito Gjoleka , also Zejnel Gjoleka (born around 1805; died 1852) was an Albanian insurgent, famous for his role in the Albanian uprising of 1847, which became known as the Zenel Gjoleka Revolt . After these events he was pardoned by the Sultan . In 1852 he died fighting a Montenegrin force .


There is hardly any reliable information from the life of Zenel Gjoleka. According to legend, he was born in the village of Kuç in Kurvelesh in the upper Shushica valley in 1805 or 1806 as the son of a craftsman. Later Gjoleka is said to have been the leader of mercenaries in the service of the Ottoman Empire .


When an uprising among Albanian peasants broke out in 1847, the rebels chose Gjoleka as their leader. He led several battles against Ottoman troops in the area of ​​Kurvelesh, Çameria , Delvina , Gjirokastra and Vlora , in which he is said to have won 23 battles. When the uprising was put down by the Ottoman Empire, the leaders were banished to Anatolia . According to legend, Gjoleka is said to have escaped the access of the Ottoman authorities several times and was only delivered through treason. Sultan Abdülmecid I then pardoned Gjoleka in 1849.


When Montenegrin troops invaded Albanian territories in 1852, Gjoleka and his troops took part in the defensive battle, in which he was fatally wounded.

Post fame

Zenel Gjoleka was sung about in Albanian folk songs.

In 2012, on the 160th anniversary of his death, Albanian President Bamir Topi posthumously proclaimed him a folk hero.

Individual evidence

  1. Elias Skoulidas: The Perception of the Albanians in Greece in the 1830s and '40s: The Role of the Press . In: Stephanie Schwandner-Sievers, Bernd J. Fischer (Ed.): Albanian Identities: Myth and History . Indiana University Press, Bloomington / Indianapolis 2002, ISBN 0-253-34189-2 , pp. 180 ( excerpt in the Google book search).
  2. a b Presidenti Topi decoron atdhetarin e shquar Zenel Hito Gjoleka (Pas vdekjes) me Urdhrin "Nderi i Kombit" ( Memento from July 2, 2012 in the Internet Archive )
  3. a b Ligor Mile: Gjoleka, Zejnel . In: Albanian Academy of Sciences (ed.): Fjalori Enciklopedik Shqiptar . Tirana 1985, p. 348 f .
  4. Maximilian Lambertz : The Albanians' Volksepik . Niemeyer, Leipzig 1958, p. 131 .