Bamir Topi

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Bamir Topi (2008)

Listen to Bamir Myrteza Topi ? / i (born April 24, 1957 in Tirana ) is an Albanian politician . He is the party leader of the New Democratic Wind . Between 2007 and 2012 he was President of Albania until he was replaced by Bujar Nishani . Audio file / audio sample


Studies and time as a scientist

Bamir Topi completed his first high degree studies at the Agricultural University of Tirana , in the field of veterinary medicine . With the same grades, he also obtained a doctorate in philosophy . At the age of 27, in 1984, he was employed as a scientist at the Institute for Veterinary Scientific Research in Tirana. He worked there until 1995. He also completed postgraduate studies in Italy between 1987 and 1990 in the field of molecular biology . After returning from Italy, he became director of the Institute for Food Safety and Veterinary Medicine. He held this post until 1995.

First political experiences

After his time at the Institute for Food Safety and Veterinary Medicine, he turned to politics and was elected to the Albanian Parliament in 1996 . In 1996/97 he was briefly Minister for Agriculture and Food. As a member of the Democratic Party (PD), he was elected to parliament three times . He was twice chairman of the Democrats and a member of several specialist committees. Topi is valued in the country's media for his search for dialogue between the government and the opposition.

Years as head of state

Former Greek Prime Minister Giorgos Andrea Papandreou and Bamir Topi in New York (2010)

Bamir Topi was elected President on July 20, 2007 after four attempts by Parliament, thanks to the votes of six MPs from the opposition Socialist Party (PS), the rest of which boycotted the vote because they wanted a majority candidate . Topi was vice-chairman of the Democratic Party at the time. On July 24th, Topi succeeded Alfred Moisiu .

Bamir Topi's term of office ended in the summer of 2012 as he was not re-elected. He was considered to have few chances, because since his election as president the relations worsened again and again because of big differences of opinion between Topi and the party chairman of the PD and Prime Minister Sali Berisha . As the climax of this dispute, Berisha publicly expressed his aversion to the head of state in January 2011 after the bloody protests of the socialists on January 21 (see political crisis in Albania from 2009 ). He accused him with the socialists of trying to carry out a coup . Bamir Topi initially did not respond to the Prime Minister's testimony, but demanded that the guilty party of the three dead be brought to justice.

Due to the newly formed camps in the Democratic Party, Topi therefore envisages the founding of a new party as an alternative to his further political career, the Aleanca Kuq e Zi and some other partisans within the PD (including Gazmend Oketa ) - the Berisha course not support - will join. The independent media in Albania described the Topi project as a "new opportunity for the country's politics".

During an interview on September 29, 2011 at the show Top Story of Top Channel Bamir Topi declared publicly for the first time its unacceptability towards politics of Sali Berisha. He also officially confirmed his intention to found a new party, of which he will be chairman. It will be in the right spectrum. A new product candidatures as head of state does not rule out Topi, but he sees his chances with the existing electoral process to be very low, according to which the president can be elected with a majority (71 of 140) in parliament.

New party

In September 2012 Topi was elected chairman of the new party New Democratic Wind (Alb. Fryma e Re Demokratike ), which wants to play a positive role in the country's political landscape, which is shaped by the bickering between the two major parties.


Topi is married to Teuta Topi and has two daughters, Nada and Etida. He is also honorary president of FK Tirana .


Web links

Commons : Bamir Topi  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Bamir Topi përballë PD-së, beteja katërvjeçare e Presidentit ("Bamir Topi against the PD, the four-year struggle of the president"). MAPO ONLINE, accessed August 22, 2011 (Albanian, chronology of the conflict between Berisha and Topi during his tenure). and Fejzi Braushi: Zbulohet projekti i ri politik i Bamir Topit pas Presidencës (“Bamir Topi's new political project after the presidency is revealed”). MAPO ONLINE, August 22, 2011, accessed August 22, 2011 (Albanian).
  2. Topi: une në bulevard, Berisha në bllok. Top Channel , September 30, 2011, accessed September 30, 2011 (Albanian).
  3. ^ Former Albanian president elected pro-EU party chief. In: Focus News Agency. September 7, 2012, accessed September 9, 2012 .