
Ziallerns is a Wurtendorf in the municipality of Wangerland in the district of Friesland in Lower Saxony . The small village is considered to be one of the best-preserved Wurt settlements in the north German coastal area . The Wurt has been under landscape protection since 1937.
Ziallerns is located around 20 kilometers northwest of Wilhelmshaven , around ten kilometers northeast of Wittmund and 8.5 north of Jever . The village belongs to the parish of Tettens .
Ziallerns is - due to the name ending - a Chaukische settlement. The oldest evidence of settlement dates from around 100 BC. At that time people could still settle directly on the marshland . The residents were forced by the rising tides to build their houses on artificially raised hills, the Wurten (also called terp). Around 60,000 cubic meters of clay and manure had to be moved for the approximately five-meter-high Wurtenbau in Ziallern.
The Wurt Ziallerns originally offered space for eight farms; Of these, four courtyards can still be seen on the east side. By the 19th century, the farms on the west side were replaced by residential buildings belonging to a non-farming population, so that the remaining farms could be supplied by the small craft shops and general stores. In the 19th century there was a blacksmith, a brewery, an innkeeper, a shoemaker, weaver and carpenters.
In 1937 the Wurt was placed under landscape protection. Ziallerns is not a museum village . All houses are privately owned.
The former farm workers' house at Garlichs Ziallerns No. 7 is said to have been built around 1800. In the culturally and historically valuable house, an information center with an exhibition was set up in the sponsorship of the municipality of Wangerland. Using maps, sketches, drawings and historical photos, the information exhibition documented the development of the Ziallerns village and the settlement history of the Wangerland. The exhibition was closed in 2015 because it was no longer up to date and the building had to be renovated. The house was eventually sold to private customers and is no longer open to the public.
The Wurtendorf Ziallerns is a circular Wurtendorf. There are just 16 houses in the village - farms and farm workers' houses. Today some of them are rented out as holiday homes.
An outer ring road runs around the whole Wurt. To this end, an inner path runs concentrically around the center of the worm. Several, mostly narrow, paths run radially from the center of the root to the root of the root. Some of them continue in the field paths in the hallway.
A former freshwater point ( Fething ) has been preserved on the Wurt . In the past, drinking water was drawn from this . The fresh water point located right next to the information center served the entire village of Ziallerns as a source for the precious drinking water. Today it is a beautiful village pond with plants and animals.
Erhard Ahlrichs : Ziallerns. Chronicle of a Wurtendorfes. CL Mettcker & Sons, Jever 1990, ISBN 3-87542-005-5 ; 128 p. M. Fig.
See also
- Rysum terp village
Web links
- Wurten - Terps - Warfen: Rysum and Ziallerns
- Wurtendorf Ziallerns
- Ziallerns ( Memento from December 8, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
Individual evidence
- ↑ nwzonline.de - exhibition is no longer up-to-date , accessed on December 23, 2015
- ↑ wangerland.de - Unterwegs im Wangerland ( Memento of the original from December 24, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , accessed December 23, 2015
Coordinates: 53 ° 39 ' N , 7 ° 52' E