Bayonne Cistercian Abbey

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The Cistercian Abbey Bayonne (also: Saint-Bernard de Lasteron ) was 1166-1790 a monastery of Cistercian nuns first in Mouguerre , later in Bayonne , in Pyrénées-Atlantiques in France .


The Benedictine monastery of Cagnotte (in the Landes department ) founded a priory southeast of Bayonne in Mouguerre in 1166 , which was settled by Cistercian women in 1245 and made an abbey in 1268 . The name of the monastery fluctuates between Saint-Etienne de Rive-Adour , Saint-Bernard (apud Baionam), Saint-Bernard de Lasteyron , Lasteron, Esteyron or Steyron (name of the district), Betbezé (Bello Visu) or Notre-Dame . The nuns later moved to the city of Bayonne, where the abbey was dissolved in 1790 by the French Revolution . The last abbess was Suzanne de Membrède (1763-1790). Today in Bayonne the street names Chemin de Saint-Bernard and Chemin des Cisterciennes are reminiscent of the former monastery. The archaeological search for traces undertaken in 2008 discovered remains of Gothic buildings. In Mouguerre, however, there seem to be no traces.


  • Jean-Baptiste Daranatz, Curiosités du pays basque . 2 vol. Lasserre, Bayonne 1927 (here: vol. 2, pp. 349–445, with list of abbesses, description of cartoons and illustrations).
  • Gallia Christiana Volume 1, pp. 1068-1069 (with list of abbesses).
  • Laurent Henri Cottineau : Repertoire topo-bibliographique des abbayes et prieurés . Vol. 2. Protat, Mâcon 1939-1970. Reprint: Brepols, Turnhout 1995. Column 2614 (Saint-Bernard-lès-Bayonne).
  • Bernard Peugniez : Le Guide Routier de l'Europe Cistercienne . Editions du Signe, Strasbourg 2012, p. 46 (Bernard-de-Lasteron, St-).
  • Gereon Christoph Maria Becking: Cistercian monasteries in Europe. Map collection , Lukas Verlag Berlin 2000, ISBN 3-931836-44-4 , sheet 72D (S. Bernard, Bayonne).
  • Jean Justin Monlezun: Histoire de la Gascogne depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours . JA Portes, 1846, p. 197.

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Coordinates: 43 ° 30 ′ 23.2 "  N , 1 ° 29 ′ 11.5"  W.