for special use

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For special use ( zbV ; zbV ; z. B. V. ) denotes on the one hand a post outside of the position plan , on the other hand departments with special tasks.


Posts that are created in the German civil service outside of the regular position plan are e.g. b. V. called. Your institution can have organizational, personnel management or welfare reasons.

In the Federal Armed Forces these posts are now called "service post- like constructs " (DPäK). In 2018, 43,600 soldiers were placed on such a post. For soldiers in training , e.g. For example, at the Bundeswehr universities , the officers ' and non-commissioned officers' schools , 34,800 “DPäK pupils” posts are planned, of which around 33,400 were occupied in 2018. In the same year 5,900 soldiers were transferred to DPäK because they are entitled to exemption from military service for the purpose of professional development . This number is declining because established for from 2012Employment relationships for which the entitlement no longer exists. 390 soldiers were sitting on DPäK because they due to a hardship or special care reasons one close to home use will allow an appropriate person for the regular post but was not available. For the perception of parental leave and care leave ( § 28 para. 5 SG ) were set up 1,700 DPäK in 2018. In the same year, in 900 cases organizational reasons and in 600 cases the inclusion in the protection period under the Deployment Re-Use Act were decisive for the transfer to DPäK. Constructs similar to service posts are one reason for the high number of vacant posts in the Bundeswehr.


In the Wehrmacht some units of the addition z. b. V. This included, for example, the Brandenburg special unit , which in the course of its history was used as a construction training company for b. V. 800, building training battalion z. b. V. 800 and teaching regiment Brandenburg z. b. V. 800 was named, whereby the building cover was a camouflage . Other departments were:

On June 1, 1957, the "Higher Pioneer Staff z. b. V. ( Territorial Defense ) ”in Bonn - Bad Godesberg set up in 1959, relocated to Cologne, on August 1, 1959, renamed the Higher Pioneer Staff and on February 1, 1970, the Bundeswehr infrastructure staff. On January 1, 1981, he was transferred to the Office for Studies and Exercises of the Bundeswehr as the Special Tasks / Infrastructure Department , but remained at Brühler Strasse 309 in Cologne .

Comparable terms

Comparable terms are “with a special area of ​​responsibility”, as used in the subordination of the Bundeswehr and in the Superiors Ordinance. Another example is the German Federal Minister for Special Tasks , a minister with no portfolio , often the head of the Federal Chancellery .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Briefing by the Commissioner for the Armed Forces - Annual Report 2018 (60th report). In: . Defense Commissioner of the German Bundestag , January 29, 2019, accessed on April 22, 2020 .
  2. Senior engineering staff. In: Bundeswehr location database ., accessed on April 22, 2020 .