Tzwi Zamir

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Tzwi Zamir

Tzwi Zamir ( Hebrew צבי זמיר; * March 3, 1925 in Lodz , Poland ), nickname Tzwika , is a former Israeli major general ( Aluf ) and was director of the Israeli secret service Mossad from 1968 to 1974 .


Zamir came to Palestine with his parents at the age of seven months . In 1942 he joined the Palmach at the age of 17 . In 1946 he was arrested by British police and put first in prison and then in Latrun camp , like many future leaders of the State of Israel. After the fire in the Jewish business district, he was dispatched to build the 6th Palmach Battalion. It was the duty of the battalion to protect the road between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv from Arab attacks. At the end of April 1948, the battalion went to an army base near Hadera to recover from heavy fighting. It was later placed under the Harel Brigade .

Zamir took part in the Palestine War , among other things , and in 1949 he served as one of the first instructors in Tzahal for new battalion commanders. In the following year he has already trained high-ranking officers. From 1951 to 1953 he was at the head of the Giv'ati Brigade . In 1953-54 he attended Staff College in Great Britain . After graduation, he returned and ran the infantry school . In 1956 he joined the General Staff and during the Sinai campaign he was at the head of the Carmeli Brigade. In 1957 he was given leave of absence to study the humanities , which he began at the University of Jerusalem . In 1960 he was promoted to chief of the training division in the General Staff and in October 1961 to major general.

From 1962 to 1965 he held his last military command as head of the troops in southern Israel. In July 1966 he began his service as a military attaché in Great Britain and Scandinavia. In 1968 Prime Minister Levi Eschkol appointed him director of the Mossad. Zamir thus succeeded Meir Amit .

The most important operations during Zamir's tenure were the offensive against Palestinian terrorism following the 1972 hostage-taking in Munich . In addition, under his leadership, the Mossad organized the immigration of Jews from Syria and Iraq to Israel as well as support for Kurdish rebels in Iraq and Christian militias in Sudan . He traveled several times to the latter countries himself to monitor the operations on the ground.

Zamir was played by Ami Weinberg in Steven Spielberg's film Munich .

His daughter is the writer Michal Zamir .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Profile of Zvi Zamir
  2. זמיר (זרזבסקי) צביקה (יששכר) בן משה. Retrieved September 18, 2014 (Hebrew).
  3. ^ Zeev Schiff , Eitan Haber: Leḳsiḳon le-viṭḥon Yiśra ʼ e . Zemorah, Bitan Modan, Tel Aviv 1976, p.  195 .
  4. ^ J. Ben Hirsh: Jewish General Officers: A Biographical Dictionary . q edition. Victorian Branch, Military Historical Society of Australia, East Bentleigh, Melbourne 1967, p. 45 .
  5. ^ Edward N. Luttwak and Daniel Horowitz: The Israeli Army . Abbot Books, Cambridge, Mass. 1993, p. 377 .
predecessor Office successor
Meir Amit Director of the Mossad
Yitzchak Chofi