Public legal information and comparison office

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The Public Legal Information and Comparison Center Hamburg (ÖRA) provides legal services for people living in Hamburg with low incomes outside of judicial proceedings in return for a small financial contribution. In addition, the ÖRA mediates between conflicting parties through amicability , atonement or mediation procedures . These services can be used regardless of income and place of residence.


In the Weimar Republic , 1922, the public legal information and quality office (Ragü) was founded as part of the welfare office . During the time of National Socialism , 1936, the office for legal support of the German people took over this. In 1943 legal services were integrated into the NSDAP . At the time of the British occupation of Hamburg in 1946, the Ragü was reopened as the Public Legal Information and Settlement Office Hamburg (ÖRA). The ÖRA is currently affiliated to the Authority for Labor, Social Affairs, Family and Integration , but independent in the performance of its tasks.


The task of the Public Legal Information and Settlement Office is to provide legal advice in all legal areas in the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg and, as a settlement authority in penal atonement proceedings and as a recognized conciliation office in civil law matters and as a mediation office, to enable out-of-court settlement of disputes.


The public legal information and comparison office is headed by a full-time management. This is determined by the authority responsible for social affairs in agreement with the judicial authority . The ÖRA is divided into a main office and district offices. The management of the public legal information and comparison office and its general administration are located in the main office. Full-time employees of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg form the employees of the general administration. The legal advice and the chairmanship in the out-of-court dispute settlement is provided by volunteer , experienced and specialized persons qualified to be a judge . These are appointed at the suggestion of the management of the ÖRA.


Legal advice from the public legal information and comparison office can be used by anyone who lives in Hamburg or has their habitual residence in the Hanseatic city. Those who work in Hamburg or are completing an apprenticeship are also advised ; if the subject of the consultation relates to the employment or training relationship. Legal advice is given to those who, according to their income and financial situation, cannot raise the necessary funds for advice from a lawyer. The person seeking advice must also not have any other legal advice available that can be expected to be used. In this context, trade unions and interest groups are to be named as institutions that also provide legal advice. In addition, it must be ensured that the exercise of rights is not willful. Legal enforcement is willful, for example, if it does not appear to be necessary or if it can be regulated without the assistance of a third party. The out-of-court dispute settlement can be used by any natural or legal person. It is chargeable, but always cheaper than a legal dispute.

Situation outside of Hamburg

Public legal information and comparison bodies also exist in the city ​​states of Berlin and Bremen as well as in Lübeck . In the territorial states , a so-called advisory assistance certificate can be applied for at the local court at the place of residence . With this it is possible to visit a lawyer. The attorney settles the fees incurred for legal advice directly with the court using the advisory assistance certificate . The person seeking advice has to pay a small fee for this .

See also

Hamburg Welfare Office

Office for legal support for the German people


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Law on the Public Legal Information and Settlement Body (ÖRA Law) of November 16, 2010, § 1.
  2. Law on the Public Legal Information and Settlement Body (ÖRA Law) of November 16, 2010, Section 2.
  3. Law on the Public Legal Information and Settlement Body (ÖRA Law) of November 16, 2010, Section 3.
  4. Law on the Public Legal Information and Settlement Body (ÖRA Law) of November 16, 2010, Section 4.