Walter Raeke

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Walter Raeke

Walter Raeke (born October 18, 1878 in Charlottenburg ; † May 24, 1959 in Hamburg ) was a German lawyer and member of the Hamburg Parliament and the Reichstag during the National Socialist era .

education and profession

Walter Raeke attended the humanistic high school in Berlin-Lichterfelde, studied law and graduated with the second state examination in Berlin in 1906. During his studies he became a member of the Germania Berlin fraternity in 1897 ; 1919 member of the Germania Hamburg fraternity . He was admitted to the bar in Stepenitz in Pomerania in 1910 . During the First World War he worked in the administration of prisoner-of-war camps. From 1919 he was admitted to the bar at the Hamburg Higher Regional Court . From 1931 to 1933 he was a member of the state parliament in Hamburg .

Raeke fully agreed with the NSDAP on political issues. He was anti-Semitic and anti-democratic and saw Germany unjustly gagged by the Treaty of Versailles .

time of the nationalsocialism

In 1929 he became a member of the NSDAP. From 1930 to 1933 he was chairman of the Hamburg district of the Federation of National Socialist German Jurists (BNSDJ). In 1931 Raeke became a member of the NSDAP in the Hamburg parliament.

Raeke rose in 1933. He was appointed a member of the Reichstag by Hitler for election in November 1933 and remained so until 1938. Raeke also became a member of the Academy for German Law . He was involved in the dissolution and harmonization of the German Lawyers' Association , the most important legal professional association. In September 1933 Raeke was appointed chairman of the DAV. Then he transferred him on the orders of Hans Frank as Reichsfachgruppe Rechtsanwälte in the Association of National Socialist German Lawyers and dissolved him. As head of the BNSDJ, Raeke was also the publisher of the lawyers' gazette , which was renamed the bulletin of the Reichsfachgruppe Rechtsanwälte des BNSDJ . As Reichsfachgruppe leader, Raeke was also appointed editor of the most important lawyer's publication in the Juristische Wochenschrift .

Since the beginning of 1933, Raeke had been busy implementing the goals of National Socialist legal policy. This was primarily the abolition of the democratic constitutional state and the expulsion of Jewish and democratic jurists. But it was also a matter of power against Nazi competitors. So probably Raeke said after the murders of June 30, 1934 in an introductory article of the legal weekly of August 4, 1934, among other things:

The people are deeply grateful to their leader for the liberating act of v. June 30th June. But it is even more what the Fuehrer gave to the German lawyer as a "legal guardian" with this act and his great speech on July 13th. "

Raeke also took over the position of head of the office for legal care of the German people under the head of the Reich Legal Office of the NSDAP Hans Frank . His deputy there was Friedrich Grimm . Because of his services, Hans Frank appointed him permanent deputy in the management of the German legal front and the Reich Legal Office in 1935. In this function Raeke could call himself Reich Inspector of the BNSDJ and the German Right Front. In 1937 Raeke's career came to an abrupt end. On June 16, Frank released him from all offices and on October 27 he was expelled from the NSRB, the successor organization to the BNSDJ. It turned out that Raeke had been a member of a Masonic lodge until 1933. Raeke had thus violated a central goal of the National Socialists. Because, like the Jews, the Freemasons were fiercely fought by the National Socialists from the start. After 1945 Raeke was not allowed to work as a lawyer again.


  • The revocation of the donation according to common law and the civil code , Berlin: B. Paul 1900 ( University of Rostock , legal dissertation of [December 31] 1900)
  • The decisions of the Court of Honor for German Lawyers Volume XXVII, year 1933 . Edited by the Reichsfachgruppenleiter of the professional group Lawyers of the Federation of National Socialist German Jurists, Lawyer Dr. Walter Raeke, Brandstätter, Berlin 1934.
  • Directory of members of the Association of National Socialist German Jurists V. Reichsfachgruppe Rechtsanwälte , ed. on behalf of the Reich Office of the Federation of National Socialist German Lawyers by the Reich Section Leader Attorney Dr. Walter Raeke, MdR, for 1934, Moeser, Leipzig 1934 and for the year 1935, German legal u. Wirtschafts-Wissenschaft Verlags-Ges. mbH, Berlin 1935.


  • Angelika Königseder, Law and National Socialist Rule: Berlin Lawyers 1933-1945 . Bonn 2001, ISBN 3-8240-0528-X
  • Michael Sunnus, Der NS-Rechtsswahrerbund: (1928 - 1945): on the history of the National Socialist legal organization . Frankfurt 1990, ISBN 3-631-42734-4

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Helge Dvorak: Biographical Lexicon of the German Burschenschaft. Volume I: Politicians. Sub-Volume 5: R – S. Winter, Heidelberg 2002, ISBN 3-8253-1256-9 , pp. 3-4.
  2. Juristische Wochenschrift 1934, Issue 31, p. 1882
  3. ^ Angelika Königseder, Law and National Socialist Rule: Berlin Lawyers 1933-1945 . Bonn 2001, ISBN 3-8240-0528-X , pages 80-85.