Austrian organizations in exile from 1934 to 1945

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From 1934 onwards there were numerous Austrian exile organizations abroad which looked after Austrian refugees and emigrants, promoted artistic and literary work in exile and were politically active against National Socialism with different orientations . The first organizations were formed shortly after the February fights in 1934 , others followed after the annexation of Austria in March 1938 and the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939. Due to the political fragmentation brought from home, there were usually several different groups in the individual countries of exile, social democratic , Communist , Christian social and legitimist , which resulted in a sometimes confusing high number of partly cooperating, partly competing organizations. This is reinforced by the fact that names are partly identical and similar.

The following is a list of organizations in exile, sorted by country:





  • Foreign representation of the Austrian Socialists, moved from Brussels to Paris in May 1938 , then to London in 1940

Great Britain

  • Austrian Self-Aid
  • Group of Austrian Communists in Great Britain / Group of Austrian Communists in Great Britain
  • Council of Austrians in Great Britain / Austrian representative body in Great Britain
  • Austrian Center
  • Young Austria in Great Britain / Young Austria in Great Britain
  • Austria Office / Austrian Office
  • League of Austrian Socialdemocrats in Great Britain / Association of Austrian Social Democrats in Great Britain
  • Austrian League
  • London Bureau of the Austrian Socialists in Great Britain / London Bureau of the Austrian Socialists in Great Britain
  • Austrian Democratic Union / Austrian Democratic Union
  • Free Austrian Movement (in Great Britain), communist-dominated umbrella organization to which first eleven and later another 26 exile organizations belonged
  • Austrian Representative Committee
  • Anglo-Austrian (Democratic) Society

Latin America




  • Austria Libre, in Montevideo
  • Comité Central Austríaco de America Latina, from October 30, 1943, the umbrella organization of the Free Austria organizations in Latin America



  • Comité de Proteção dos Interesses Austriacos em Brasil


Other smaller organizations existed in Colombia ( Austria Libre , Bogotá), Cuba ( Austria Libre , La Habana), Bolivia ( Federación de Austriacos Libres , La Paz), Ecuador ( Austria Libre , Quito and Guayaquil), Paraguay ( Alianza Austriaca , Asunción ), Peru ( Austria Libre , Lima), the Dominican Republic ( Unión de Refugiados Austríacos , Trujillo) and Venezuela ( Austria Libre , Caracas).


  • Sonja Frank (Ed.): Young Austria. Austrians in British exile 1938 to 1947. For a free, democratic and independent Austria . 2nd expanded edition. with DVD. Verlag der Theodor Kramer Gesellschaft , Vienna 2014, ISBN 978-3-901602-55-9 .
  • Helene Maimann: Politics in the waiting room. Austrian policy in exile in Great Britain 1938-1945. Böhlau Verlag. Vienna 1975.
  • Peter Schwarz: Austria after Hitler. Reorganization plans in exile in Austria. In: Claus-Dieter Krohn (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Deutschensprachigen Emigration 1933–1945. 2., unchanged. Edition. Darmstadt 2008, pp. 660-678.
  • Peter Schwarz: Austrian political exile organizations. In: Claus-Dieter Krohn (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Deutschensprachigen Emigration 1933–1945. 2., unchanged. Edition. Darmstadt 2008, pp. 519-543.
  • Focus on Exile in Argentina. In: Zwischenwelt. Literature, resistance, exile. Journal of the Theodor Kramer Society , vol. 28, issue 3, October 2011, ISSN  1606-4321 . (Focus on pp. 23–54; by and about Stefan Zweig , Marie Langer , Livia Neumann, Alfredo Bauer, Max Thurn ; music and theater exile).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ University of Salzburg: * Reinhard Müller - Some Austrian organizations in exile in Great Britain (PDF)
  2. Standard interview with Alfredo Bauer : It was Austria's enemies who drove us out , (October 23, 2009)
  3. ^ BMEIA - Austrian Embassy in Santiago de Chile: Bilateral Relations
  4. ^ Friedrich Stadler: Vernunft, Volume 1-2 , LIT Verlag, Berlin / Hamburg / Münster 2004, ISBN 3-8258-7373-0 .