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Milk beta-lactoglobulin
other names

Progestagen-associated endometrial protein, PAEP, allergen Bos d 5 (cattle)

Existing structure data : PDB  1B0O , PDB  1B8E , PDB  1BEB

Mass / length primary structure 178 amino acids , 19,883 Da
Gene name (s) MBLG
External IDs
Beef sheep
Entrez 100531186 443385
UniProt P02754 P67976
Refseq (mRNA) NM_001009366.1
Refseq (protein) NM_001009366.1
Gene locus
PubMed search 100531186 443385

β-Lactoglobulin is a protein found in the milk of various mammals , including cows and sheep . It is the most abundant whey protein in cow's milk and is not found in humans.


β-lactoglobulin is formed in the mammary glands and secreted into milk . It is the main component of whey proteins . β-lactoglobulin is a lipocalin and binds various hydrophobic molecules such as lipids including retinol . It has two disulfide bridges between two cysteines , between positions 82 and 176 and between positions 122 and 135. It also serves as a storage protein to supply the newborn with amino acids . In humans, β-lactoglobulin from cows and sheep can act as an allergen and is listed as such in Annex IIIa of EU Directive 2000/13 / EC. In dissolved pure form it forms hydrogels after denaturation .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c A. Fiocchi, J. Brozek, H. Schünemann, SL Bahna, A. von Berg, K. Beyer, M. Bozzola, J. Bradsher, E. Compalati, M. Ebisawa, MA Guzman, H. Li , RG Heine, P. Keith, G. Lack, M. Landi, A. Martelli, F. Rancé, H. Sampson, A. Stein, L. Terracciano, S. Vieths: World Allergy Organization (WAO) Diagnosis and Rationale for Action against Cow's Milk Allergy (DRACMA) Guidelines. In: The World Allergy Organization journal. Volume 3, number 4, April 2010, pp. 57-161, doi : 10.1097 / WOX.0b013e3181defeb9 , PMID 23268426 , PMC 3488907 (free full text).
  2. Elizabeth HC Bromley, Mark RH Krebs, Athene M. Donald: Aggregation across the length-scales in β-lactoglobulin. In: Faraday Discuss .. 128, 2005, p. 13, doi : 10.1039 / b403014a .