(2685) Masursky

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(2685) Masursky
Masursky (arrow)
Masursky (arrow) photographed by Cassini on January 23, 2000
Properties of the orbit ( animation )
Orbit type Main belt asteroid
Asteroid family Eunomia family
Major semi-axis 2.5678  AU
eccentricity 0.1118
Perihelion - aphelion 2.2809 AU - 2.8548 AU
Inclination of the orbit plane 12.134 °
Sidereal period 4.115 a
Mean orbital velocity 18.59 km / s
Physical Properties
Medium diameter 15-20 km
Absolute brightness 12,025 mag
Explorer E. Bowell
Date of discovery May 3, 1981
Another name 1981 JN, 1950 VO, 1973 QF
Source: Unless otherwise stated, the data comes from JPL Small-Body Database Browser . The affiliation to an asteroid family is automatically determined from the AstDyS-2 database . Please also note the note on asteroid items.

(2685) Masursky is an asteroid of the main belt , the American US from the on May 3, 1981 Astronomers Edward LG Bowell at Lowell Observatory was discovered. The celestial body was named in honor of the astronomer Harold Masursky .

The Cassini-Huygens spacecraft passed the asteroid on January 23, 2000 with a maximum approach of 1.5 million kilometers and sent photographic images to Earth, which, however, do not show any details of the surface due to the large distance in relation to the size of the asteroid.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Bernd Leitenberger: Cassini and her mission: The space probe and mission to Saturn. In: www.bernd-leitenberger.de. Retrieved January 16, 2017 .