3D cell culture

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3D cell culture describes the cultivation of cells in a microstructured three-dimensional cell culture under in-vitro conditions. Just as the organs in the body adopt a spatial orientation, this should also be realized in cell cultures. In contrast to tissue engineering , 3D cell culture is not primarily used to create organs .


The term 3D cell culture is different from 2D cell culture and describes cell culture which, in contrast to monolayers, takes into account the three-dimensionality of tissue. This takes place mainly in the form of hydrogels made from scaffold proteins such as collagen , gelatine methacrylate or commercial Matrigel . In a 3D environment, many cell lines form spheroids , the diameter of which increases over time after the cells are embedded. Even cells that do not form spheroids often show a morphology that differs from that of growth conditions on glass, for example. Compared to other methods of obtaining spheroids, the 3D cell culture is characterized by the fact that the cells interact with the extracellular matrix - artificial but based on the physiology - which has an effect on the regulation of gene expression via adhesion-mediated signal transduction . The culture of tissue sections is also part of the 3D cell culture. The 3D cell culture tries to take into account organ-specific conditions to a large extent and mostly relies on the processing of plastics, but also natural substances that have already proven to be applicable for cell cultures.


The 3D cell culture is increasingly used in pharmacology to partially replace test animals and 2D cell cultures. In addition, it is better suited for high throughput screening than test animals, but dispenses with the investigation of the interactions between the organs in an organism. There are indications that organ-like behavior of the cell culture leads to more meaningful results when the mode of action of a new drug is to be tested and conclusions about its pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics have to be drawn. There are various 3D organ models for the respective entry point and place of action of the substance, for example for the skin, liver, pancreas or the lungs. Other areas of application are research into stem cells or tumor research . 3D cell cultures are also used in the research area of regenerative medicine , for example to produce implants for cartilage or to facilitate wound healing processes. Furthermore, 3D cell cultures are used to produce in vitro meat .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ E. Carletti, A. Motta, C. Migliaresi: Scaffolds for tissue engineering and 3D cell culture. In: Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, NJ). Volume 695, 2011, pp. 17-39, ISSN  1940-6029 . doi : 10.1007 / 978-1-60761-984-0_2 . PMID 21042963 .
  2. C. Godugu, AR Patel, U. Desai, T. Andey, A. Sams, M. Singh: AlgiMatrix? based 3D cell culture system as an in-vitro tumor model for anticancer studies. In: PLoS ONE . Volume 8, number 1, 2013, p. E53708, ISSN  1932-6203 . doi : 10.1371 / journal.pone.0053708 . PMID 23349734 . PMC 3548811 (free full text).
  3. ^ XJ Li, AV Valadez, P. Zuo, Z. Nie: Microfluidic 3D cell culture: potential application for tissue-based bioassays. In: Bioanalysis . Volume 4, Number 12, June 2012, pp. 1509-1525, ISSN  1757-6199 . doi : 10.4155 / bio.12.133 . PMID 22793034 . PMC 3909686 (free full text).
  4. SL Ryan, AM Baird, G. Vaz, AJ Urquhart, M. Senge, DJ Richard, KJ O'Byrne, AM Davies: Drug Discovery Approaches Utilizing Three-Dimensional Cell Culture. In: Assay and Drug Development Technologies . Volume 14, number 1, 2016 Jan-Feb, pp. 19-28, doi : 10.1089 / adt.2015.670 , PMID 26866750 .
  5. M. Rimann, B. Angres, I. Patocchi-Tenzer, S. Braum, U. Graf-Hausner: Automation of 3D Cell Culture Using Chemically Defined Hydrogels. In: Journal of Laboratory Automation: JALA [electronic publication before print] October 2013, ISSN  2211-0682 . doi : 10.1177 / 2211068213508651 . PMID 24132162 .
  6. D. Huh, GA Hamilton, DE Ingber: From 3D cell culture to organs-on-chips. In: Trends in cell biology. Volume 21, Number 12, December 2011, pp. 745-754, ISSN  1879-3088 . doi : 10.1016 / j.tcb.2011.09.005 . PMID 22033488 .
  7. X. Meng, P. Leslie, Y. Zhang, J. Dong: Stem cells in a three-dimensional scaffold environment. In: SpringerPlus. Volume 3, 2014, p. 80, doi : 10.1186 / 2193-1801-3-80 , PMID 24570851 , PMC 3931863 (free full text) (review).
  8. ^ M. Leung, FM Kievit, SJ Florczyk, O. Veiseh, J. Wu, JO Park, M. Zhang: Chitosan-alginate scaffold culture system for hepatocellular carcinoma increases malignancy and drug resistance. In: Pharmaceutical research. Volume 27, number 9, September 2010, pp. 1939-1948, doi : 10.1007 / s11095-010-0198-3 , PMID 20585843 , PMC 2917619 (free full text).