7C solar parks

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7C Solarparken AG

legal form Corporation
founding 2005
Seat Bayreuth , GermanyGermanyGermany 
management Steven De Proost, Chairman of the Board
Number of employees 19 (2019)
sales 43.1 million euros (2019)
Branch Photovoltaics
Website www.solarparken.be
As of December 31, 2019

The 7C Solar Parking AG (2015: COLEXON Energy AG until 2007: Reinecke + Pohl Sun Energy AG ) is a German company in the energy industry in the segment photovoltaic based in Bayreuth . The 7C Solarparken Group focuses on the acquisition and operation of photovoltaic systems with ongoing optimization of the systems. In addition, suitable land for the construction of photovoltaic systems is acquired. The business areas of wholesale as well as project planning and construction of solar power plants were given up, so that one can concentrate on the expansion and development of the own solar power plant portfolio.


Reinecke + Pohl Sun Energy AG

The IPO of Reinecke + Pohl Sun Energy AG (previously: Reinecke + Pohl Solare Energien GmbH , company founders: Jörn Reinecke and Gerd-Jürgen Pohl) based in Hamburg , Germany took place in March 2005. Reinecke + Pohl Sun Energy AG was initially in Project development of turnkey photovoltaic systems.

In spring 2005, Nastro Umwelttechnik GmbH , a system provider of turnkey photovoltaic systems for agricultural and medium-sized companies, was taken over for EUR 8.6 million. A few months later, Maaß Regenerative Energien GmbH , a planning and sales company for photovoltaic systems, was taken over for a purchase price of 10.4 million euros.

At the beginning of 2007, plans became known to bundle the two subsidiaries Nastro and Maaß under the brand name "colexon". The brand name is intended to be derived from the English words "collect sun". From September 2007, the two parts of the company operated under Colexon GmbH . At the Extraordinary General Meeting on December 18, 2007, it was decided to rename Reinecke + Pohl Sun Energy AG to Colexon Energy AG . The entry in the commercial register took place on January 25, 2008. Among other things, the renaming should take into account the increasingly international orientation of the company.

Colexon Energy AG

Former logo

The Colexon Energy AG was active first in the company's photovoltaic wholesaler and project development, and later in plant operation. In the wholesale area, photovoltaic modules from First Solar and Masdar PV were sold. In the second half of 2008 at the latest, the company moved its own solar parks more into focus, as larger margins could be achieved in this area. Already at the end of 2008, plans to merge Colexon Energy AG with its major shareholder, the Danish solar park operator Renewagy A / S , to form Colexon SE were announced. In August 2009, Renewagy A / S with a solar park portfolio of 43 MWp was finally taken over, but the planned merger and renaming did not take place.

After cuts in solar subsidies, the company, like many other companies in the solar industry, found itself in a tense economic situation from 2011 onwards. For example, sales halved in the first half of 2011 compared to the previous year. In the course of restructuring, locations in Mainz and Imola were closed and numerous employees were laid off. Subsequently, solar parks bundled in project companies were sold, including to 7C Solarparken NV.

Colexon Energy AG's solar park portfolio was around 67 MWp at the end of 2013.

7C Solarparken NV

The company 7C Solar Parking NV was the end of 2008 by Steven De Proost, based in Mechelen , Belgium as Belgian corporation founded. De Proost then acted as CEO of the company. 7C Solarparken NV's solar park portfolio was around 41 MWp at the end of 2013.

Merger into 7C Solarparken AG

In December 2012, plans to take over 7C Solarparken NV by Colexon Energy AG became known for the first time. This project initially failed in February 2013 at an extraordinary general meeting of Colexon due to a lack of approval from its own shareholders. One year later, in April 2014, the Colexon shareholders voted in the second attempt with the required majority to join 7C Solarparken NV. Later in the year there was a so-called "reverse company acquisition" in which 7C Solarparken NV became a 100 percent subsidiary of Colexon Energy AG. However, the purchase price was paid through a capital increase at Colexon and the issue of the new shares to the former shareholders of 7C Solarparken NV. As a result, the former shareholders of 7C Solarparken NV took over a significant majority of shares in Colexon Energy AG. Owning and operating photovoltaic systems in Germany were named as future focus of activity.

In January 2015, Colexon Energy AG was renamed 7C Solarparken AG . At the same time, the company's headquarters were relocated from Hamburg to Bayreuth. The reason given for the relocation was the proximity to the owned solar parks.

The last Italian solar park was sold in 2017, and the company has since focused on the German market. The photovoltaic project developer Amatec was taken over in spring 2018 .

Key figures

Annual figures of 7C Solarparken AG in million EUR

Code number 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 * 2010 ** 2011 2012 2013 2014 *** 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Sales 52.58 62.21 85.37 142.75 188.10 196.01 94.83 25.9 11.63 14.55 25.36 30.29 32.99 40.32 43.12
Gross profit ( EBITDA ) 7.62 7.90 13.21 28.02 47.30 38.33 16.45 18.1 12.39 16.73 24.90 27.94 29.86 35.08 38.12
EBIT 4.34 -6.42 0.22 12.15 18.50 -53.92 -15.04 1.3 1.11 10.14 11.60 11.99 12.57 15.27 14.46
Shortfall / excess 2.62 -4.43 -0.28 7.24 5.90 -65.36 -22.93 -4.5 -2.72 7.43 5.54 4.71 6.04 5.95 7.98

* includes Renewagy for the first time

** Adjusted for goodwill amortization of 63.4 million, EBIT was 9.50 million and net income was -2.00 million.

*** Inclusion of Colexon Energy AG in the scope of consolidation of 7C Solarparken AG from September 9, 2014

Business areas

Solar systems

The company has solar power plants in Germany and Belgium. At the end of 2016, the system portfolio comprised an output of 100.5 MWp, which produces around 102 GWh of energy per year. At the end of 2019, the company's own portfolio included systems with a total output of 184 MWp. Most of the plants are in the federal states of Bavaria (26.9% of the portfolio), Saxony-Anhalt (20.3%) and Saxony (11.1%). The portfolio is divided roughly equally into open space systems and roof systems.

Wind turbines

Two wind turbines in Rhineland-Palatinate have also been part of the portfolio since 2019 . The total capacity of the plants is 5.9 MW.

Business management for third parties

Systems with a total of 77 MWp have been operated on behalf of several fund companies since 2019.

PV Estate

The company also invests in land and buildings that are mostly used to generate solar power. In this way lease costs can be avoided. Some of the areas are also leased to third parties to operate solar systems. At the end of 2019, the portfolio comprised 133.5 ha.

Master data 7C Solarparken AG

Type of share no-par shares
ticker HRPK
segment General Standard, regulated market in Frankfurt am Main
country Germany
Indices CDAX, Prime All Share, Technology All Share
Number of shares 61.356.441

Ownership structure

proportion of Shareholders
12.05% Librae Holding Limited
9.21% Rodolphe de Spoelbrech
6.79% Distri Beheer 21 CVBA
5.40% Steven De Proost
5.09% DVP Invest BVBA
5.01% XIX-Invest NV
4.21% Axxion SA
3.36% Sufina Comm VA
48.88% Free float

(As of March 9, 2018)

Web links

7C Solarparken AG website

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Annual Report 2019. (pdf) In: solarparken.be. Retrieved April 9, 2020 .
  2. Annual Report 2016, accessed at: [1]
  3. IPO of Reinecke + Pohl Sun Energy AG perfect - Extra General Meeting of BK Grundbesitz AG resolves to continue the company. In: Solarbranche.de. March 22, 2005, accessed April 12, 2020 .
  4. Reinecke + Pohl Sun Energy AG takes over Nastro Umwelttechnik GmbH and increases target figures for 2005 significantly. In: IWR-Pressedienst.de. May 20, 2005, accessed April 12, 2020 .
  5. Reinecke + Pohl Sun Energy AG agrees takeover of Maaß Regenerative Energien GmbH and increases target figures for 2006 significantly. In: IWR-Pressedienst.de. August 19, 2005, accessed April 12, 2020 .
  6. Reinecke + Pohl Sun Energy AG: New name in the solar power market - Nastro Umwelttechnik and Maaß Regenerative Energies become 'colexon'. In: IWR-Pressedienst.de. February 26, 2007, accessed April 12, 2020 .
  7. Reinecke + Pohl Sun Energy AG: Renaming and merging of the operative subsidiaries to COLEXON GmbH with immediate effect. In: IWR-Pressedienst.de. September 10, 2007, accessed April 12, 2020 .
  8. Reinecke + Pohl Sun Energy AG is now called COLEXON Energy AG. In: Pressebox.de. January 28, 2008, accessed April 12, 2020 .
  9. COLEXON has secured an additional contingent of First Solar modules. In: pv-magazine.de. August 30, 2010, accessed April 9, 2020 .
  10. Sandra Enkhardt: Masdar PV will supply thin-film solar modules to Colexon from 2009. In: pv-magazine.de. December 10, 2008, accessed April 9, 2020 .
  11. COLEXON ENERGY AG plans to merge with Renewagy A / S. In: Pressebox.de. November 28, 2008, accessed April 12, 2020 .
  12. Sandra Enkhardt: Colexon with a new strategy. In: pv-magazine.de. December 1, 2009, accessed April 9, 2020 .
  13. Sandra Enkhardt: Colexon draws conclusions. In: pv-magazine.de. August 31, 2011, accessed April 9, 2020 .
  14. Sandra Enkhardt: Colexon separates from project companies. In: pv-magazine.de. February 22, 2012, accessed April 9, 2020 .
  15. Petra Hannen: Colexon makes another attempt. In: pv-magazine.de. February 4, 2014, accessed April 9, 2020 .
  16. Sandra Enkhardt: Colexon shareholders vote for capital increase. In: pv-magazine.de. April 22, 2014, accessed April 9, 2020 .
  17. Colexon and 7C solar parks merge - the end of a never-ending story. In: solarbranche.de. September 16, 2014, accessed April 9, 2020 .
  18. Sandra Enkhardt: Colexon wants to reduce debt gradually. In: pv-magazine.de. September 29, 2014, accessed April 9, 2020 .
  19. Sandra Enkhardt: Colexon Energy now operates under the name 7C Solarparken AG. In: pv-magazine.de. January 28, 2015, accessed April 9, 2020 .
  20. ^ Daniel Seeger: 7C Solarparken says goodbye to Italy. In: pv-magazine.de. December 20, 2017, accessed April 9, 2020 .
  21. Sandra Enkhardt: 7C solar parks with takeovers and growth financing . In: pv-magazine.de. February 28, 2018, accessed April 9, 2020 .
  22. http://www.colexon.de/content/de/_download/finanzberichte/2005/geschaeftsbericht_2005.pdf Genealogie, Dead Link | url = http: //www.colexon.de/content/de/_download/finanzberichte/2005 /geschaeftsbericht_2005.pdf | date = 2018-08 | archivebot = 2018-08-21 12:11:59 InternetArchiveBot}} (link not available)
  23. http://www.colexon.de/content/de/_download/finanzberichte/2006/geschaeftsbericht_2006.pdf Genealogie, Dead Link | url = http: //www.colexon.de/content/de/_download/finanzberichte/2006 /geschaeftsbericht_2006.pdf | date = 2018-08 | archivebot = 2018-08-21 12:11:59 InternetArchiveBot}} (link not available)
  24. Colexon Energy AG: Annual Report 2007 (PDF; 1.9 MB) Retrieved on November 19, 2017 .
  25. http://www.colexon.de/content/de/_download/finanzberichte/2008/colexon_gb08_deutsch.pdffont> GenealogieToter Link | url = http: //www.colexon.de/content/de/_download/finanzberichte/2008 /colexon_gb08_deutsch.pdf | date = 2018-08 | archivebot = 2018-08-21 12:11:59 InternetArchiveBot}} (link not available)
  26. Colexon Energy AG: Annual Report 2009. (PDF) (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on October 29, 2011 ; Retrieved July 23, 2012 .
  27. Colexon Energy AG: Annual Report 2010. (PDF) (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on October 29, 2011 ; Retrieved July 23, 2012 .
  28. http://www.colexon.de/content/_download.php?id=14625 pha = dead link | url = http: //www.colexon.de/content/_download.php? Id = 14625 | date = 2018 -08 | archivebot = 2018-08-21 12:11:59 InternetArchiveBot}} (link not available)
  29. Annual Report 2011, accessed at: [2]
  30. Colexon Energy AG: Annual Report 2013 (PDF) Retrieved on March 25, 2018 .
  31. Colexon Energy AG: Annual Report 2014 (PDF) Retrieved on March 25, 2018 .
  32. Colexon Energy AG: Annual Report 2015 (PDF) Accessed March 25, 2018 .
  33. Colexon Energy AG: Annual Report 2016. (PDF) Retrieved on March 25, 2018 .
  34. Annual Report 2018. (pdf) In: solarparken.com. Retrieved August 24, 2019 .
  35. 7C Solarparken share. Retrieved March 9, 2018 (American English).
  36. 7C Solarparken share. Accessed December 31, 2019 (German).
  37. 7C Solarparken share. Retrieved March 9, 2018 (American English).