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8th century |
9th century
| 10th century
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850 |
860s |
870s |
| 890s
| 900s
| 910
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880 |
881 |
882 |
883 |
884 |
885 |
886 |
887 |
888 |
- 882 : The term fiefdom is mentioned for the first time in documents from Cluny .
- 884 : The East Franconian King Charlemagne also becomes king in West Franconia and thereby reunites the empire of Charlemagne by 887 .
- 885 to 886 : Danish Vikings besiege Paris , but break off the siege after the Frankish King Charlemagne promised them tribute payments and the pledge of Burgundy .
- 887: Arnulf of Carinthia uses army force to force his uncle, King Karl the Fat, to resign. This ended the last total rule over the Franconian Empire , and the history of the countries Germany and France began .
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Commons : 880s - collection of images, videos, and audio files