Abdullah Rıza Ergüven

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Abdullah Rıza Ergüven (* 1925 in Avanos , Nevşehir Province ; † August 16, 2001 in Sweden ) was a Turkish poet , writer , essayist , literary critic and literary scholar .


Ergüven graduated after school to study Turkish studies at Istanbul University , from which he graduated 1,952th Subsequently, he worked for a time at the University of Istanbul before he had to quit his job due to the political situation and ultimately went into exile in Sweden in 1967. There he worked as a researcher at the Wenner-Gren Center in Stockholm from 1968 to 1971 and as a translator from 1972 to 1977, before he was a lecturer in Turkology at Stockholm University from 1978 until his retirement in 1990 .

In addition to his teaching activities, Ergüven published poems in magazines and newspapers, but also essays and translations critical of literature. Much of his numerous writings were banned in Turkey because of offensive religion.


Ergüven's most famous publications include works such as:

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