Abraham Memmius

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Abraham Memmius (born September 21, 1564 in Utrecht , † September 18, 1602 in Königsberg (Prussia) ) was a Dutch medic who fell victim to the plague at the age of 37 .


His father was Peter Memmius , who had fled the Netherlands from the persecution of the Spanish Inquisition. After Abraham and two other brothers had enrolled at the University of Rostock in the summer semester of 1578 , he continued his basic training in Lübeck in 1581 . He then studied at the universities of Jena , Padua and Basel , where he received his doctorate in 1590 with the dissertation Theses de haemorrhagia . First returned to Lübeck, he was appointed professor of medicine and physics at the University of Königsberg in 1594 .

In this capacity he also participated in the organizational tasks of the Königsberg University. In the winter semesters 1596/97 and 1600/01 he was rector of the Alma Mater . After he also took over the office of plague doctor in the old town in 1601, he became a victim of his profession.

His marriage to Maria, daughter of the electoral councilor Hieronymus Roth and his first wife Ursula, daughter of the ducal councilor Hans Nimptsch, remained childless.

Of his works, a report on the plague and the dissertation de ventriculi inflatione are known.


  • Daniel Heinrich Arnoldt : Detailed and documented history of the Königsberg University. Johann Heinrich Hartung, Königsberg in Prussia, 1746, 2nd part, pp. 309, 394
  • Jöcher : lexicon of scholars. Vol. 3, Col. 405
  • J. Gallandi: Königsberg councilors. In .: Rudolf Reinicke, Ernst Wichert: Old Prussian monthly new series. Ferdinand Beyer, Königsberg in Pr. 1883
  • Hanspeter Marti, Manfred Komorowski: The University of Königsberg in the early modern period. Verlag Böhlau, Cologne, 2008, ISBN 9783412201715 , p. 39