Achatz von Bismarck

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Achatz Friedrich von Bismarck (born January 14, 1833 in Magdeburg , † May 29, 1874 in Guhlsdorf ) was a German administrative officer.


Achatz von Bismarck was born as the son of Wilhelm von Bismarck-Briest and Wilhelmine. von der Schulenburg born. Ludolf von Bismarck and Ulrich von Bismarck were his brothers. He studied law at the Georg-August University in Göttingen . In 1854 he became a member of the Corps Saxonia Göttingen . In 1864 von Bismarck became a government assessor in the Poznan government . From 1867 until his death in 1874 he was District Administrator of the district Ostprignitz . He died of a heart attack during a trip to Guhlsdorf .


  • 128. † von Bismarck, Achatz Friedrich . In: Hasso von Etzdorf , Wolfgang von der Groeben , Erik von Knorre: Directory of the members of the Corps Saxonia zu Göttingen and the Landsmannschaft Saxonia (1840–1844) as of February 13, 1972 , p. 19.

Individual evidence

  1. Kösener corps lists 1910, 85 , 131
  2. Landkreis Ostprignitz administrative history and district administrators on the website (Rolf Jehke)