Achille Campanile

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Achille Campanile (born September 28, 1899 in Rome , † January 4, 1977 in Lariano ) was an Italian journalist and writer and a master of irony .


The date of birth of Campaniles is given in some biographies as 1900 , which, however, as official documents meanwhile prove, is incorrect. He published his first novel , Ma che cosè questo amore , in 1927 . His second novel Se la luna mi porta fortuna was published in the same year .

Only six years later he won the prestigious Italian literary prize Premio Viareggio for his novel Cantilena all'angolo della strada e quaranta . He was awarded this prize a second time in 1973 for his novel Manuale di conversazione , and in 1976 he received the Premio Mondello . In addition to numerous novels, Campanile also wrote plays and has been a journalist throughout his life.

Achille Campanile died on January 4, 1977 in Lariano at the age of 77.

Achille Campanile, Giovinotti, non esageriamo! , 1929

Works (selection)

  • Ma che cosè questo amore (1927)
  • Se la luna mi porta fortuna (1927)
  • Agosto, mia moglie non ti conosco (1930)
  • In campagna è un'altra cosa (1931)
  • Cantilena all'angolo della strada (1933)
  • Celestino e la famiglia Gentilissimi (1942)
  • Il povero Piero (1959)
  • L'inventore del cavallo e altre quindici commedie (1971)
  • Manuals di conversazione (1973)
  • Vita degli uomini illustri (1975)
  • L'eroe (1976)

Secondary literature (selection)

  • Umberto Eco: lies and irony. Four readings between classic and comic (= dtv 30859). Deutscher Taschenbuch-Verlag, Munich 2002, ISBN 3-423-30859-1 .

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