Achmet Steinmetz

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Achmet August Steinmetz (born January 21, 1878 in Groden ; † August 18, 1947 in Cuxhaven ) was a German architect in Cuxhaven.


Steinmetz was the son of Johann Steinmetz and Anna, geb. Jarck. He attended elementary school in Groden and worked in the local agriculture with his brother in Lüdingworth . He then completed an apprenticeship as a bricklayer.
He then studied at the building trade school in Buxtehude until 1901 . He then worked as an architect for the architect Glocke in Ritzebüttel . Around 1904 he started his own business. He was a soldier on the Western Front during World War I. After 1918 he was a member of the Order of the Good Templars and he later became the local chairman of the order.

Many well-known and also listed buildings in and around Cuxhaven were designed by him.

Steinmetz had been married since 1904 and had five children, was divorced and remarried in 1919 with two children. He was buried in the family grave in the Altenbruch cemetery.

Works (selection)

Literature, sources

  • Peter Bussler: Historical city lexicon for Cuxhaven . Hg: Heimatbund der Männer vom Morgenstern, 2002, ISBN 3-931771-36-9 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ StadtwikiCuxhaven: Steinmetz, Achmet .