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Sand wasp (Hedychrum nobile)

Sand wasp ( Hedychrum nobile )

Class : Insects (Insecta)
Subclass : Flying insects (Pterygota)
Superordinate : New winged wing (Neoptera)
Order : Hymenoptera (Hymenoptera)
Subordination : Waist Wasps (Apocrita)
Partial order : Voices
Scientific name
Latreille , 1802

The Stechimmen or Wehrimmen (Aculeata) form a partial order ( taxon ) of the hymenoptera (Hymenoptera). Together with the Legims (Terebrantia) they form the subordination of the Waist Wasps (Apocrita), but occasionally both groups are raised to the rank of subordination and compared to the plant wasps (Symphyta).

more details

There are around 50,000 types of stinging voices. The stinging voices include well-known groups such as honey bees , bumblebees , wasps , hornets and ants .

In the case of ants , many subfamilies (for example, scale ants ) do not have a stinger, but have developed a different form of defense: They either inject their poison in the direction of the attacker from a certain distance (often in the attacker's eyes ) or first bite with the mandibles a wound that they then inject into. Other subfamilies, on the other hand, have a sting (for example Ponerinae ), with which a powerful poison can sometimes be injected.

Only the females have the sting that results from the ovipositor has developed (similar to the Legimmen) and primarily has the task of prey to paralyze (with wasps and grave wasps ). The sting can also be used as a weapon, on the one hand to defend against attacks, on the other hand to ward off brood parasites.

The sting sits at the end of the abdomen, is connected to a poison gland and, when at rest, is hidden inside the body. During the stinging process, the poison is pumped into the enemy's body. In honey bees , the sting is barbed so that it gets stuck in the dermis of warm-blooded animals (but not in the chitin armor of insects). Although this leads to the death of the stinging bee, it ensures that a maximum dose of poison is injected and pheromones are also released, which make conspecifics aware of the supposed danger.

In the case of stings like bees , which do not provide their larvae with paralyzed or killed prey, the sting either has a purely defensive function or is completely regressed.

Male voices have a genital apparatus, which in no case fulfills a defensive function. Nevertheless, it is often observed that they defend themselves with seemingly stabbing movements when attacked. Apparently the threat of a sting can be an effective defense.

Few of the types of stinging voices attack humans in defense of their nest. These are only honey bees and real wasps. All other species only sting when their individual life is threatened, for example when they are squeezed. For the danger of bites, see under insect bite .


Web links

Commons : Stechimmen  - Collection of images, videos and audio files