Adalbert de Vogue

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Adalbert de Vogüé OSB (born December 2, 1924 in Paris , † around October 14, 2011 at La Pierre-Qui-Vire ) was a monk of the French abbey of Sainte-Marie de la Pierre-Qui-Vire ; he researched and published extensively on the Rule of Benedict and the history of monasticism.


Adalbert de Vogüé came from the old French noble family of the Counts of Vogüé . He was one of five children from the marriage of the banker Melchior de Vogüé (1893-1965) and the Baroness Geneviève Brincard (1898-1974), a granddaughter of the founder of the Crédit Lyonnais bank , Henri Germain .


In 1944 he entered La Pierre-Qui-Vire Abbey in Burgundy . In 1959 he received his doctorate in theology in Paris . He then worked as a professor of monastic studies at the Pierre-Qui-Vire Abbey and at the Pontifical Athenaeum Sant'Anselmo , the Benedictine religious college in Rome.

Adalbert de Vogüé had lived in a hermitage near La Pierre-Qui-Vire since 1974.

His body was found 2 km from the monastery on October 21, 2011 after a nine-day search. He died of natural causes.


The main research interests of Adalbert de Vogüé were the beginnings of Christian monasticism and its development in the Latin and Greek churches.

He published numerous works in several languages, including scholarly debates on the text and commentary on the Benedictine Rule , the Master's Rule and the dialogues of Gregory the Great .

Works (selection)

  • Histoire littéraire du mouvement monastique dans l'antiquité, le monachisme latin à l'aube du Moyen Âge (650−830) , Éditions du Cerf, Paris 2008.
  • Le monachisme latin: la Gaule franque et l'Espagne wisigothique (VIe siècle-VIIIe siècle) , Paris 2007.
  • Le monachisme latin: Grégoire de Tours et Fortunat - Grégoire le Grand et Colomban , Paris 2006.
  • Le monachisme latin: De Césaire d'Arles à Grégoire de Tours , Paris 2005.
  • Le monachisme latin: De la vie des Pères du Jura aux œuvres de Césaire d'Arles (500−542) , Paris 2003.
  • Le monachisme latin: L'essor de la littérature lérinienne et les érits contemporains (410−500) , Paris 2003.
  • Le monachisme latin: Les derniers écrits de Jérôme et Jean Cassien , Paris 2002.
  • Le monachisme latin: De l'épitaphe de sainte Paule à la consécration de Démétriade (404−414) , Paris 1998.
  • La Règle de saint Benoît, commentaire doctrinal et spirituel , Éditions du Cerf, Paris 1977.
  • Aimer le jeûne, l'expérience monastique , Éditions du Cerf, Paris 1988.
  • Saint Benoît, homme de Dieu , Éditions ouvrières, Paris 1993.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ "Adalbert de Vogüé, moine érudit, est mort" , Vatican Radio , October 24, 2011
  2. Le moine Adalbert de Vogüé retrouvé mort ( Memento of December 24, 2011 in the Internet Archive ), Journal du Center, October 22, 2011 (French)