Adam Kryński

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Adam Kryński

Adam Antoni Kryński (born May 19, 1844 in Łuków , † December 10, 1932 in Warsaw ) was a Polish philologist , linguist and lexicographer . He represented linguistic purist views and stood around 1890 against the orthography regulations of the Akademia Umiejętności and later against the recommendations of the Polska Akademia Umiejętności . Since his recommendations were adhered to in the Russian-occupied part of Poland, there was no uniform spelling in the three occupied areas of Poland. He was one of the editors of the dictionary of the Polish language founded by Jan Karłowicz ( Słownik języka polskiego , 8 volumes, 1900-1927). He was also a professor at Lviv University and Warsaw University .


Adam Kryński was born on May 19 in Łuków to Wawrzyniec Kryński, a court clerk in Siedlce . There he began his schooling, but after the 5th grade moved to a secondary school in Warsaw , which he attended from 1858 to 1862. After the subsequent preparatory course at the Warsaw secondary school , he first studied there at the mathematics and physics department, but switched to the philology department in 1866. After completing his studies there, he went to Leipzig , where he specialized in Slavic studies with August Leskien and in classical philology with Georg Curtius . In 1870 he received his doctorate with a thesis on the nasal sounds in the Slavic languages.

After receiving his doctorate, he did not get a job at the university, so that in the following years he mainly taught Latin and ancient Greek as well as French and occasionally Polish at Warsaw secondary schools. In addition, he published specialist and popular science articles (including in "Kurier Warszawski" and "Słowo Polskie") and together with Jan Karłowicz founded the first Polish linguistic journal "Prace Filologiczne", for which he wrote linguistic and biographical articles as well as reviews and notes . From 1890 he also worked as an editor of linguistic articles for the Wielka Encyklopedia Powszechna Ilustrowana . In 1889 he became one of the editors of the dictionary of the Polish language founded by Jan Karłowicz.

After his retirement in 1906 he devoted himself more to research and tried to get permission to found a society for science in Warsaw, which was founded in 1907 and in whose administration he was active.

In 1908 he was invited to the University of Lviv to take up the chair for Slavic languages, which had been vacant since the death of Antoni Kalina . He also joined the editorial team of the "Lud" newspaper. In 1909 he was elected to the administration of the Ethnological Society in Lviv , of which he was president from 1910 to 1914.

In 1915, Kryński edited the magazine "Wisła" and also joined the Organizing Committee of the University of Warsaw and in the autumn of that year took over the professorship for the Polish language and at the same time became dean of the philological department. In 1919 he retired for the second time by handing over the chair to Stanisław Szober , although he continued to hold an honorary professorship.

Kryński died on December 10, 1932 after being hit by a tram.

Publications (selection)

  • О носовыхъ звукахъ въ славянскихъ языкахъ , Warsaw 1870
  • Kwestia językowa. O bezzadnym odróżnianiu rodzaju nijakiego od mięskiego w deklinacji przymiotników , 1872
  • Gramatyka języka polskiego , 1877 (in 6 editions until 1917)
  • O języku Wojciecha Oczki na podstawie jego dzieł: "Przymiot" i "Cieplice" , 1881
  • O pisowni polskiej , 1882
  • Gwara zakopańska , 1884
  • O aoryście w języku polskim , 1888
  • Pisownia polska, prawidła i ich uzasadnienie , 1897
  • Zabytki języka staropolskiego z w. XIV, XV i pocz. XVI , 1909–1918 (several booklets in collaboration with Mirosław Kryński )
  • Prawidła pisowni polskiej , 1910
  • Szkic językoznawstwa polskiego od początku w. XIX ego , 1911
  • Jak nie należy mówić i pisać po polsku , Warsaw 1920; 2nd edition 1931
  • Psałterz Dawidów przkładania Jana Kochanowskiego, przedruk ..., z objaśnieniami , 1883
  • Powieść o papieżu Urbanie , 1885
  • Stanisława Skrodzkiego Porządek prawa bartnego dla starostwa łomżyńskiego , 1887
  • Żywot św. Eufraksji , 1891
