Adam Manyoki

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Self-portrait of Adam von Manyoki

Adam Manyoki , Hungarian Ádám Mányoki (* 1673 in Szokolya , Hungary ; † August 6, 1757 in Dresden , Saxony ) was an important Hungarian painter from the 18th century .


Manyoki was a student of the German court painter Adam Scheitz in Lüneburg. He later worked in Germany , France , Poland and the Netherlands, among others . In the last years of his life he worked as a court painter at the Saxon court in Dresden.

During his training he took on influences from the French Nicolas de Largillière , whose works he copied in the Salzdahlum gallery. At the age of 20 he worked in Hamburg, where his self-portrait from 1693 was created. 1703/07 Stay in Berlin to make portraits of the officers of his regiment on behalf of Crown Prince Friedrich Wilhelm. In 1707 he was promoted to court painter to Prince Rákóczi (his portrait in the Mus. D. Fine Arts, Budapest). In 1713 he was appointed court painter to Augustus the Strong in Dresden, where he initially worked until 1723. From here numerous portraits of well-known and important persons of the high nobility were created, also after commissions from Dessau or Berlin, such as the portrait of Grand Duchess Konstantine (1713); Countess Kosel (1713); Countess Aurora Königsmark (1714); Henriette of Anhalt (1714); Karl Ludwig Margrave of Brandenburg; Leopold von Dessau and so on. In 1723 he stayed in Vienna to portray the Archduchesses Maria-Theresa, Maria Antonia and other members of the Viennese court. From 1724 to 1731 he worked in his native Hungary. Portraits of the Hungarian nobility were created here, e. T. in the Esterhazy collection. In 1731 Manyoki was active in Dresden and Leipzig. In addition to portraits of nobility, there were also portraits of artists and scientists, such as the painter Johann Alexander Thiele (1736) and Prof. Rechenberg (1736). In 1738 he worked alongside the well-known Dresden court painter Louis de Silvestre at the Saxon Court in Dresden and repeatedly received numerous portrait commissions ( Princess Lubomirska , Crown Marshal Bilinski, goldsmith Dinglinger - Green Vault -, Countess Dönhoff, Mme.Montmorency, Count Fleming, etc.). In addition, he also made some portraits of the Saxon ruler Friedrich August II, son of Augustus the Strong. In addition to Sylvestre, who was essentially entrusted with the creation of large-format allegories and interior decoration paintings for Dresden, Manyoki worked mainly as a portraitist. The quality of his works is in no way inferior to the more famous Sylvestre. Stylistically, he represented the dark-ground portrait style, which was only presented in lighter colors by Sylvestre, later in line with the Rococo fashion. Works by his hand are in the Dresden picture gallery: Baroness Katarzyna de Besenval (1713), King Friedrich Wilhelm I of Prussia and Princess Konstancja, Princess Poniatowska (before 1722).


Web links

Commons : Ádám Mányoki  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Enikö Buzási: Ádám Mányoki (1673–1757). Monograph and œuvre catalog . Hungarian National Gallery and Pannon GSM, Budapest 2003, ISBN 963-7432-86-8 ( ).
  2. Mányoki, Adám (1673–1757). Image archive of the Saxon Art Collections in Dresden. (No longer available online.), archived from the original on October 23, 2016 ; accessed on October 23, 2016 .