Adolf Zycha

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Adolf Zycha (born October 17, 1871 in Vienna , † November 19, 1948 in Bonn ) was an Austrian legal historian.


From 1889 Adolf Zycha studied law at the University of Vienna . After his state examinations and his doctorate (1895), he entered the administrative service of the City of Vienna as a “legal advisor to the magistrate”.

In 1898 he became associate professor at the University of Freiburg im Üechtland , succeeding Leo von Savignys . He completed his habilitation in Freiburg in 1899.

At the German University in Prague , he was in 1903 associate professor and 1906 o. Professor . In 1915/16 he was rector of the university.

1919 followed reputation of the University of Giessen to the chair of legal history as the successor Edwin Mayer-Homberg (1881-1920).

As a full professor of German law, he succeeded Martin Wolff at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn in 1923 . In 1932 he was elected rector of the University of Bonn. Because of his attitude towards the National Socialist attacks on the university constitution, he was replaced as rector on April 27, 1933. The fact that he was married to a “non-Aryan” had also contributed to his replacement . Four of the six Bonn rectors during the Nazi era had joined the NSDAP in May 1933 , but not Zycha. In 1937 he retired .

Adolf Zycha died shortly after his 77th birthday, and was buried in honor grave 23 in the Poppelsdorf cemetery .


  • The Bohemian mining law of the Middle Ages based on the mining law of Iglau , Berlin 1900.
  • The sources of Iglauer Bergrecht , 1900.
  • The history of Iglauer Bergrecht and the Bohemian Mining Constitution , 1900.
  • Outline of the lectures on German legal history , 1910 (42 pages), 4th edition 1920 (36 pages), 5th edition 1929 (36 pages), Prague 1912.
  • On the origin of the cities in Bohemia and the urban policy of the Premyslids , 1914.
  • On the latest literature on the economic and legal history of the German salt pans . In: Vierteljahrschrift für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte (VSWG) 14 (1918), pp. 88–129 and 165–205.
  • German legal history of the modern age , Weimar 1937. - 2nd unchanged edition 1949.
  • About the beginnings of the capitalist class formation in Germany . In: VSWG 31 (1938), pp. 209-241
  • The Germans struggle for their rights in Bohemia , 1940.
  • On the latest literature on the economic and legal history of German mining . In: VSWG 34 (1941), pp. 41-65.


  • Rudolf Schránil : The rights of the Germans in the German Confederation. Festschrift for Adolf Zycha , 1941.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Habilitation thesis: The law of the oldest German mining industry until the 13th century.
  2. a b Zycha's Rector's Speeches (HKM).
  3. See Poppelsdorfer Friedhof. In: Kolping Family Bonn-Poppelsdorf e. V., accessed on June 19, 2019 .