Adolf von Graeve

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Adolf Hans Ernst Ludwig von Graeve (born February 19, 1797 at Nimmersatt Castle near Bolkenhain , Lower Silesia ; † December 27, 1859 in Gotteswalde , Mohrungen district ) was a German landowner and politician from the Graeve family .

His parents were Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig von Graeve and Charlotte Helene Juliane Luise nee Freiin von Reibnitz . The father was the master of Nimmersatt , Steckenbach, Oberkunzendorf, Rückers and Hartau in Silesia and a war and domain councilor at the chamber in Glogau . Graeve, who was a Protestant denomination, married Mathilde Henriette Albertine Freitag von Goedens on October 8, 1822 in Danzig (* January 6, 1800 in Danzig; † March 25, 1844 in Gotteswalde). Alexander von Graeve is a nephew, Ludwig Edler von Graeve is a great-nephew.

Graeve was a gentleman from Gotteswalde and later landscape director. He was a member of the Oberland Conservative-Constitutive Association. In 1850 he was a member of the Volkshaus of the Erfurt Union Parliament .


  • Jochen Lengemann : The German Parliament (Erfurt Union Parliament) from 1850. A manual: Members, officials, life data, parliamentary groups (= publications of the Historical Commission for Thuringia. Large series, Vol. 6). Urban & Fischer, Munich 2000, ISBN 3-437-31128-X , p. 153.