Adscita bolivari

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Adscita bolivari
Class : Insects (Insecta)
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Ram (Zygaenidae)
Subfamily : Green ram (Procridinae)
Genre : Adscita
Type : Adscita bolivari
Scientific name
Adscita bolivari
( Agenjo , 1937)

Adscita bolivari is a butterfly fromthe ram family (Zygaenidae).


The moths reach a fore wing length of 9.0 to 10.0 millimeters in males and females. The head, thorax , legs and abdomen shimmer golden green or yellowish green. The antennae have a medium length comb, the last six to eight segments are plate-shaped. The sensors consist of 36 to 38 segments. The upper side of the forewing is dull gold-green. The upper side of the hind wings is black-brown, the undersides of the wings are dark gray.

In the males, the valves are longer dorsally and have a short triangular tooth-like extension. This is ventrally halfway to the tip. The aedeagus is long and slender, and about eight times longer than it is broad; it is provided with a long, weakly sclerotized cornutus. At the base it is slightly curved, distally it is straight. The 8th abdominal sternite is rectangular and covers only the posterior part of the segment.

In females, the antrum is wide and funnel-shaped at the base. The proximal part of the ductus bursae is long and has a smooth surface. It is well sclerotized and has a slender distal part. It is slightly curved, but not S-shaped. The corpus bursae is egg-shaped.

Similar species

Adcsita geryon occurs sympatric with A. bolivari in many parts of northern and central Spain. Both species have an identical appearance and a similar habit and can only be distinguished genitally morphologically .


Adscita bolivari is endemic to Spain and is only absent there in the northeast and in the Pyrenees . The species inhabits dry areas near pine forests or open, rocky steppe biotopes .


The biology of the species is unknown. It is believed that the caterpillars develop like the related species on sun rose species ( Helianthemum ). The moths fly in June and July.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c C. M. Naumann, WG Tremewan: The Western Palaearctic Zygaenidae . 1st edition. Apollo Books, Stenstrup 1999, ISBN 87-88757-15-3 , pp. 150 (English).


  • CM Naumann, WG Tremewan: The Western Palaearctic Zygaenidae . 1st edition. Apollo Books, Stenstrup 1999, ISBN 87-88757-15-3 (English).

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