Aethes shakibai

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Aethes shakibai
Order : Butterflies (Lepidoptera)
Family : Winder (Tortricidae)
Subfamily : Tortricinae
Tribe : Cochylini
Genre : Aethes
Type : Aethes shakibai
Scientific name
Aethes shakibai
Huemer & Wieser , 2004

Aethes shakibai is a butterfly from the family of Winder (Tortricidae). The species was first described in 2004 on the basis of material collected in 2001. It is quite isolatedwithin the genus Aethes . The species was named after Ing. Mahmood Shakiba, in Gorgan , Iran.


The Imago has a fore wing length of 4.5 to 4.8 millimeters. The wingspan is 9.9 to 10.6 millimeters. The females are slightly larger than the males. The labial palps are rust-colored, the middle link is wide and light cream-colored, the end link is very short. The antennae are brown and slightly ciliate in the male. The head, thorax and tegulae are rust-brown in color with variable creamy mottling. Especially the head of the female and the distal parts of the tegulae are predominantly creamy. The abdomen is gray above, white to cream colored below. The fore wings are narrow, the costa slightly convex. The basic color of the forewings is ocher-brown with a dark, rust-brown color at the costa base and with the same median band. The distal half of the wing is mainly speckled and speckled rust-brown. There are several white and creamy Costa spots. The hind wings and the fringes are silvery gray. The males have fewer or more cream-colored drawing elements and are therefore darker than the females.

Male genitals

The socii are slender and long and barely set off from the base. The transtilla is trapezoidal in the middle. Distally, it tapers with two or more small spikes at the apex. The juxta is semi-oval, broad and short. The vinculum has paired, sclerotized braces. The valva is broad at the base and tapered towards the apex. The saccule has a protruding and rounded protrusion. The aedoeagus is broad and rather short and slightly curved. The ventral margin is drawn forward and has a weakly developed tip. The dorsal part is shorter and rounded and has a weak apical tip. The vesica have several small, granular sculptures, but cornuti are missing.

Female genitals

The anal papillae are very large and somewhat longer than the anterior apophyses . These are again longer than the Apophyses posteriores . The Sterigma has a slightly prickly membrane in the middle. The colliculum is broad, square and dorsomedial in the middle with a square sclerotization. The ductus bursae is short and much narrower than the antrum and the corpus bursae . It is therefore clearly set off. The corpus bursae is oval and sack-shaped and has a transverse band-like sclerotization in the caudodorsal part. The middle part of the corpus bursae is covered with some Microtrichia. The seminal duct arises in the caudodorsal sclerite .


The caterpillars and their forage plants are not known.


The species is so far only known from the type locality , the Miankaleh peninsula on the Caspian Sea (northern Iran ). Potential habitats are located on the Caspian Sea and in halophytisch dominated continental habitats .



  • Peter Huemer, Christian Wieser: Aethes shakibai sp. n., a new species from northern Iran (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). In: Carinthia II . 194/114 Year, Klagenfurt 2004, pp. 389–394 ( PDF on ZOBODAT ).

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