Agathe François Gouÿe de Longuemare

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Agathe François Gouÿe de Longuemare (born February 6, 1792 in Versailles , Yvelines department , † February 12, 1866 in the 6th arrondissement in Paris ) was a French ornithologist and administrative clerk in the department of overseas hospitals and prisons in the Ministry of Navy and Colonies .

Live and act

His father's name was Denis Charles François Gouÿe de Longuemare, his mother Felicité Victoire Sayollé.

On May 2, 1811 he was hired as a student in the administration of the French Navy. From July 7, 1812 to April 12, 1813, he served on board the gunboat Cannoniere No 192 of the Napoleonic Army . First recorded out of service, he returned to military service on March 18, 1816. From March 1, 1817 to November 1818, Le Rhône signed on. On January 12, 1819, he was released from service to be employed in the naval administration on February 8, 1819. Until July 1848 he continued his administrative career there in Rochefort and Paris on the mainland. Here Gouÿe de Longuemare worked as an administrative clerk in the department of overseas hospitals and prisons ( sous-chef de bureau des chiourmes et hôpitaux ) in the Ministry of Navy and Colonies ( Ministère de la Marine et des Colonies ).

Gouÿe de Longuemare married Victoire Françoise Rosalie Joséphine born on April 20, 1822. Marsy, (born March 22, 1796 in Gisors and died October 29, 1873 in Paris). After his death, she received a pension of 1500 francs . At least they had their son Henri Victor Goüye de Longuemare (1823-1890), who pursued a career similar to that of his father, in common.

It was probably in Rochefort that Gouÿe de Longuemare met René Primevère Lesson . Gouÿe de Longuemare had acquired a beautiful collection of hummingbirds , of which Lesson described some exhibits for science. Gouye de Longuemare himself had of Charles Parzudaki receive a bellows, for he as longuemare's sunangel ( Heliangelus clarisse ) new to science in the journal Revue Zoologique La Société par Cuvierienne erstbeschrieb . A year later a more detailed description of him appeared in Magasin de zoologie with a plate of the hummingbird, which his wife had illustrated and which was engraved by Christophe Annedouche .

Membership and Honors

In 1840 Gouye de Longuemare was presented by Sauveur Abel Aubert Petit de la Saussaye (1792-1870) as member number 184 of the Société cuviérienne . On April 25, 1844, he was awarded the Legion of Honor for his services .

Dedication names

The brown dwarf shadow hummingbird ( Phaethornis longuemareus ( Lesson, RP , 1832)) and the violet- coated nectar bird ( Anthreptes longuemarei ( Lesson , 1831)) were named after him. The turquoise-throated elf ( Myrtis fanny ( Lesson , 1838)) was dedicated to his wife.

Publications (selection)

  • Oiseaux-mouche nouveau . In: Revue Zoologique par La Société Cuvierienne . tape 4 , 1841, p. 306 ( ).
  • G. Oiseaux-Mouche. Ornismia. Curvier. OM: Clarisse. O. Clarisse. De Longuemare . In: Magasin de zoologie, d'anatomie comparée et de palaeontologie (=  2 ). tape 4 , 1842, p. 1-2 ( ).


  • Edward Clive Dickinson, Leslie K. Overstreet, Robert Jack Dowsett, Murray Duncan Bruce: Priority! The Dating of Scientific Names in Ornithology . Aves Press Limited, Northampton 2012, ISBN 978-0-9568611-1-5 .
  • René Primevère Lesson: Illustration de Zoologie . In: Bulletin des sciences naturelles et de géologie . tape June 25 , 1831, p. 339-348 ( ).
  • René-Primevère Lesson: Illustrations de zoologie, ou, Recueil de figures d'animaux peintes d'après nature . Ouvrage orne de planches dessinées et gravées par les meilleurs artistes, et servant de complément aux traités généreaux ou spéceaux publiés sur l'Histoire naturelle et a les Tenir au courant des nouvelles découvertes et des progrès de la science. Delivery 8. Arthus-Bertrand, Paris 1833 ( - 1832–1835).
  • René-Primevère Lesson: Les trochilidées ou Les colibris et les oiseaux-mouches: suivis d'un index général, dans lequel sont décrites et classées méthodiquement toutes les races et espèces du genre trochilus . Delivery 1. A. Bertrand, Paris 1832 ( - 1832–1833).
  • René Primevère Lesson: Espèces nouvelles d'oiseaux mouches . In: Revue zoologique par la Société cuvierienne . tape 1 , 1838, p. 314-315 ( - 1839).
  • René-Primevère Lesson: Mémoires descriptif d'espèces de genre d'oiseaux nouveaux ou imparfaitement décrits . In: Annales des sciences naturelles. Zoologie et biologie animale . tape 9 , 1838, pp. 166-176 ( ).
  • Société Cuvierienne: Nouveaux membres admis dans la Société curvienne . In: Revue Zoologique par La Société Cuvierienne . tape 2 , 1840, p. 64 ( ).
  • Unknown: Pension de veuves . In: Bulletin des lois de la République française . tape 28 , no. 1236 , 1866, pp. 236-237 ( ).

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Actes d'état civil, 1866, Cote V4E 713, entry 392, p. 7 of 31.
  2. a b Leonore, Cote LH / 1182/78 .
  3. ^ Actes d'état civil, 1873, Cote V4E 3149, entry 2260, p. 12 of 31.
  4. Unknown (1866), pp. 236-237.
  5. ^ Leonore, Cote LH / 1182/79 .
  6. ^ Société cuviérienne, p. 64.
  7. René Primevère Lesson (1832), pp. 15-17, plate 2, p. 160, plate 62, p. XV.
  8. René Primevère Lesson, p. 242.
  9. René Primevère Lesson (1838), p. 171.


  1. For the history of the publication see Edward Clive Dickinson u. a. Pp. 120-121.
  2. On August 10, 1833, the description of Lesson appeared again as Delivery 8 of Illustration de Zoologie with Plate 23 by Prêtre, so that 1833 can also be found in the literature as the publication date.