Agner Rokos

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Agner Rokos (2013, front row, left)

Agner Rokos (born April 19, 1958 ) is a Danish major general and deputy commanding general of the Multinational Corps North-East .


Agner Rokos joined the Danish armed forces in 1979 and completed his officer training at the Royal Danish Military Academy in Copenhagen by 1983 . Then he was deployed as platoon leader , deputy company commander and company commander in Jutland , from 1987 to 1988 he was an operations officer of the 1st Brigade and completed the leadership course for junior staff.

From 1990 to 1991 Rokos was deployed as part of a UN military observation group in India and Pakistan , after which he served as an operations officer in an infantry regiment in Aalborg . In 1992 and 1993 he completed the leadership and general staff course at the Danish Defense Academy before becoming an officer of the staff in the policy department in the Defense Command, then until 1998 officer of the staff in the Ministry of Defense and member of the Defense Commission from 1997. He then took over command of the I. . battalion of Jydske Dragon regiment in Holstebro .

This was followed by assignments as head of the arms control department in the Defense Command (2000–2001), an assignment abroad as commander NORDPOLBDE within the framework of SFOR in Bosnia-Herzegovina (2002) and a position as commander of the Danish intervention brigade (2003–2005). In 2002 and 2003, Rokos completed an advanced training course for staff officers at the NATO Defense College in Rome .

In 2005 Rokos took part in the NATO training mission in Iraq as deputy commander , before taking over the 1st Brigade of the Danish Army until 2006. At NATO level, he was used as head of the Joint Force Training Center in Bydgoszcz , Poland, from 2006 to 2009 , after which he was commanding general of the Danish division with headquarters in Haderslev until 2010 . After a further assignment as commander of the Army Operational Command, he was appointed deputy commanding general of the Multinational Corps North-East in 2013.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d CV Deputy Commanding General Multinational Corps Northeast. (PDF) In: Multinational Corps North-East, accessed October 10, 2015 .