Ahn Cheol-soo

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Ahn Cheol-Soo (2010)
Ahn Cheol-Soo (2010)

Korean spelling
Hangeul 안철수
Hanja 安哲秀
To Cheol-su
To Ch'ŏlsu

Ahn Cheol-soo (born February 26, 1962 in Busan ) is a South Korean doctor , software developer and politician . He is known as the founder of AhnLab Inc and a two-time candidate for the 2012 and 2017 presidential elections.

Studies and previous activities

Ahn studied medicine from 1980 at Seoul National University and received his doctorate there in 1991. At the age of 27, he was department head of the preclinical institute of Dankook University. As a doctor at the University Hospital there and at the Seoul National University Hospital , he wrote anti-virus programs . In 1995 he founded AhnLab Inc , which later developed into the largest South Korean company in the field of computer security. From 1997 he studied engineering at the University of Pennsylvania and earned the MSE .

In 2005 he resigned as Chairman of the Board of Management and has been Chairman of the Supervisory Board since then. He then studied at the Wharton School and earned the EMBA . From 2008 to 2011 he taught at KAIST . In 2011 he was appointed Dean of the Graduate School for Convergence Science & Technology at his alma mater, Seoul National University .

Seoul Mayoral Election 2011

In the election of the mayor of Seoul on October 26, 2011, he was mentioned as a potential candidate in public. The polls indicated that 50% of eligible voters would vote for Ahn. After a conversation on September 6 with the non-party candidate and human rights activist Park Won-soon , he announced that he would not stand. This decision was made, among other things, in favor of the various opposition parties who wanted to run with a common candidate in the election against the conservative ruling party. After a candidate union with the Minju Party ( 민주당 , Democratic Party) founded in 2008 on October 3 and with the support of Ahn, Park Won-soon finally won the election against the candidate of the Great National Party with 53.40% of the vote.

2012 presidential candidacy

In a speech on September 19, 2012 said Ahn, as a candidate for election to the president to begin in December 2012 found. In the announcement, he promised to control the industry - which he accused of keeping employees in cages - more tightly, to create more jobs for young people and to work for a better distribution of prosperity and life opportunities. At a press conference on November 23, 2012, he announced that he would not stand for candidacy. He wanted to unite the opposition to the candidate Park Geun-hye of the ruling Saenuri party . The opposition unity candidate was now Moon Jae-in from the largest opposition party, the Minju-tonghap Party ( 민주 통합 당 , Minju-tonghap-dang , United Democratic Party), which he now supports for the presidential election on December 19, 2012. In the December 2012 elections, Moon Jae-in Park lost to Geun-hye, the candidate for the ruling Saenuri party, with a vote difference of 3.6%.

MP and party politics

In the by-election of the directly elected parliamentary seat in Seoul's Nowon-gu district , Ahn ran as an independent candidate against the candidate of the ruling Saenuri party Huh Joon-young and won the election on April 24, 2013.

At the end of 2013, Ahn announced the founding of a new party, and a founding meeting with 320 delegates decided on the name of the New Political Party on February 17, 2014 . On March 2, 2014, he came to an agreement with the chairman of the Minju Party ( 민주당 , Minju-dang, Democratic Party), Kim Han , which was initially founded in 2011 under the name Minju-tonghap-dang ( 민주 통합 당 , United Democratic Party) -gil , to found a joint party before the regional elections in June 2014. On March 26, 2014, the Sae-jeongchi-minju-yeonhap ( 새 정치 민주 연합 , New Political Alliance for Democracy, NPAD) was founded with Ahn and Kim as chairman. After losing by-elections, Ahn Cheol-Soo and Kim Han-Gil resigned from party leadership in July 2014.

Finally, after arguments with the new chairman Moon Jae-in , Ahn left the NPAD and founded the Gungminui party (국민 의 당, party of citizens) together with his supporters on February 2, 2016 , which also included other splits from the NPAD. In the elections to the Korean National Assembly on April 13, 2016, this party immediately received 14.5% of the votes in direct mandates and 26.7% of the votes via the party list, but only achieved 38 seats in the National Assembly. In doing so, she tipped the scales between President Park Geun-hye's Saenuri party and the Minju party.

Ahn supported the protests against Park and initiated a petition for their removal. In the presidential election in 2017 after Parks was dismissed , he prevailed internally as a candidate for the Gungminui party, and ultimately came third in the presidential election.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. A software developer as president? Handelsblatt, September 19, 2012
  2. Page no longer available , search in web archives: South Korean Software Mogul to Stand for Presidency New York Times, September 19, 2012@1@ 2Template: Dead Link / www.nytimes.com
  3. KBS World : Non-party Ahn Cheol-soo renounced. November 25, 2012.
  4. Ahn Cheol-soo loses ground in party politics . The Korea Times, July 29, 2013.
  5. ^ Ahn picks Name for his new political party
  6. (3rd LD) Kim Han-gil et Ahn Cheol-soo d'accord pour créer un nouveau parti politique
  7. http://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/article/article.aspx?aid=2992867
  8. 2016 제 20 대 국회의원 선거 . Naver , 2016, archived from the original on May 8, 2016 ; Retrieved January 1, 2019 (Korean, original website no longer available).
  9. http://english.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2016/11/11/2016111101357.html
  10. Ahn Cheol-soo takes sweeping victory in latest round of party primary , Yonhap News, March 30, 2017
  11. ^ Ahn coasts to People's Party nomination , Korea Joongang Daily, April 4, 2017