Alabaster Caverns State Park

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Alabaster Caverns State Park


location Woodward County in Oklahoma (USA)
surface 81 ha
Geographical location 36 ° 42 '  N , 99 ° 9'  W Coordinates: 36 ° 41 '53 "  N , 99 ° 8' 46"  W
Alabaster Caverns State Park, Oklahoma
Alabaster Caverns State Park
administration Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department

The Alabaster Caverns State Park is a State Park in Woodward County , 10 km south of the town of Freedom in Oklahoma area. In the 81-  acre park, which is accessible via State Highway 50 , there is a 1200 m long plaster cave with differently colored alabaster shapes .



The oldest records of exploration of the cave date back to 1898. In 1939 Charles Grass bought the land. Under Charles Grass, the cave was partially developed for tourism, marketed and the name Alabaster Caverns coined. In 1953, she sold Glass to the state of Oklahoma for $ 34,000. The cave was placed under the administration of the Oklahoma Planning and Resources Board. In 1956, the area including the show cave was classified as a State Park.


Over 200 million years ago, during the Permian Period , a large inland lake covered the area. When it dried out , gypsum-containing deposits were left behind. They contain gypsum varieties such as selenite crystals , white, pink and the rare black alabaster. The cave passages were washed out over time due to the extensive elevation of the terrain and eroding water. The main cave is 1200 meters long and has a maximum height of 15 m and about 18 m width. The individual rock formations and cave chambers have illustrious names such as Ship's Prow , Devil's Kitchen or Crystal Vault . Aside from the opened show cave with guided tours, there are five other caves, which can be explored from March to September in consultation with the park administration with the appropriate speleology equipment.


Mexican bulldog bats

The following five bat species roost in the cave system: Cave mouse-eared bat (Myotis velifer) , Plecotus townsendii , Eastern piped bat (Perimyotis subflavus) , great brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) and the Mexican bulldog bat (Tadarida brasiliensis) .


The state park has hiking trails, an amphitheater , camping, and a visitor center.


  • "Alabaster Caverns State Park," Fred S. Bard Collection, Library Resources Division, Oklahoma Historical Society, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
  • Mike Caywood, Alabaster Caverns State Park History (Freedom, Okla .: Alabaster Caverns State Park, 2001).
  • Arthur J. Myers, et al., Guide to Alabaster Caverns and Woodward County (Norman: Oklahoma Geological Survey, 1969).


  1. Archive link ( Memento from June 17, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  2. Archive link ( Memento from June 17, 2013 in the Internet Archive )

Web links