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Alalkomenia ( ancient Greek Ἀλαλκομενία ) is a daughter of Ogygos in Greek mythology .

She and her sisters Thelxinoia and Aulis were worshiped together as " Praxidikai " on the Boiotic mountain Tilphossion near the city of Haliartos in a sanctuary. There after Pausania's oaths were made on her, but not carelessly. She is said to have been the eponymous heroin of the Boiotic town of Alalkomenai . Another possible namesake is Alalkomeneus , the mythical educator of Athena .

Since her sisters have the nicknames of great goddesses, Thelxinoia the nickname of the goddess Hera Thelxinia and Aulis the nickname of the goddess Artemis Aulis , Karl Tümpel assumes that Alalkomenai is a derivative of the goddess Athene Alalkomeneis, who is worshiped in Alalkomenai .



  1. Dionysius of Chalkidike , Ktiseis , fragment 3 in Photios sv Πραξιδίκη .
  2. ^ Pausanias 9:33 , 3.
  3. Pausanias 9:33 , 5.
  4. ^ Karl Tümpel: Alalkomenia . In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classical antiquity .