Alberich of Trois-Fontaines

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Alberich von Trois-Fontaines (fr: Albéric or Aubry de Trois-Fontaines, Latin : Albericus Trium Fontium), died after January 25, 1252, was a Cistercian monk in the Trois-Fontaines monastery , who wrote a world chronicle from creation to Year 1241 is enough, authored. He used an unusually large number of sources from very different origins and used the libraries of numerous monasteries. Apart from copies from the 17th and 18th centuries, the chronicle has only survived in two manuscripts, which are kept in Paris ( Bibliothèque nationale de France , lat. 4896 A) and Hanover ( Lower Saxony State Library , XIII 748). Both go back to a copy supplemented by the canon Mauritius at Neufmoustier Abbey near Huy with messages of local importance.

