Albero III. from Kuenring

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Albero III. from Kuenring
Remnants of the wall of Kühnring Castle

Albero III. von Kuenring (* around 1115; † August 15, 1182 ) was a ministerial nobleman from the Kuenring family in Ostarrîchi .


Albero III, first mentioned in a document in 1137. of Kuenring expected from 1115 to 1120, the son of Albero I. be born. He acquired considerable property through inheritance. So he inherited large estates from his father and his brothers and their sons, especially on the left bank of the Danube. In 1138, after the death of Hadmar I, it came into the possession of Kühnring Castle , the ancestral castle of the family that Hadmar had built shortly before. From then on, the name Kuenring began to establish itself as the name of a family that belonged to the most distinguished ministerials of the Babenbergs .

When Margrave Leopold IV became Duke of Bavaria, Albero fought at his side from 1136 to 1141 against the Guelphs . Presumably he accompanied his brother and successor Heinrich II Jasomirgott on the Second Crusade from 1147 to 1149 and attended the elevation of the margraviate to a duchy ( Privilegium Minus ) on September 17, 1156 in Regensburg in the wake of the duke. Albero is also often mentioned in donations to monasteries and as a witness on court days.

With donations to the Cistercian monastery Zwettl founded by Hadmar I, he enlarged its property and promoted the construction of the monastery buildings and the church.

In the northern forest (medieval name for the forest areas against Bohemia from the Upper Palatinate Forest to the Bavarian Forest and the Bohemian Forest to the Waldviertel ), the dominance in the border area to Moravia was expanded and around 1160 the Kuenringers received the patronage of Weitra .

Albero had a church built in Zistersdorf , the consecration of which in 1160 resulted in the town being mentioned for the first time. After Albero's death, Zistersdorf was founded by the Kuenringers around 1250 as a walled city, which was granted city rights in 1284 .

His marriage to Elisabeth, whose origins are unknown, had two children, Gisela and Hadmar II. Albero died on August 15, 1182 and was buried in the chapter house of Zwettl Abbey.

Individual evidence

  1. Albero III. von Kuenring on NÖ Chronik , accessed on August 17, 2016