Albert Reichardt

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Albert Reichardt (born April 30, 1871 in Erfurt ; † December 20, 1932 there ) was a German geologist and paleontologist.

Albert Reichardt was employed by the Thuringia insurance company and worked on the geology and paleontology of the Erfurt area in his free time . In 1910 he became managing director of the state conservation of natural monuments in the administrative region of Erfurt and in this function compiled a comprehensive compilation of the natural monuments in the area around Erfurt. In 1911, in recognition of his work on the orohydrographic conditions in the city and district of Erfurt, he was elected a member of the Academy of Non-Profit Sciences in Erfurt . For the Erfurt Museum of Natural History , he built the "Geological Display Collection" from 1924-26.

Albert Reichardt suffered from very pronounced depression throughout his life and committed suicide in 1932.


  • The orohydrographic conditions of the city and district of Erfurt - taking into account the geological structure. In: Yearbooks of the Royal Academy of Charitable Sciences in Erfurt, NF, 36, 1910, pp. 273–344
  • Directory of natural monuments in the vicinity of Erfurt. Yearbooks of the Royal Academy of Non-Profit Science in Erfurt. NF issue 41, 1915
  • Geology of the area around Erfurt. Keyser'sche Buchhandlung publishing house, Erfurt 1922
  • The middle Keuper in the area of ​​Erfurt. In: Contributions to the geology of Thuringia, Vol. 1, H. 3. 1926, pp. 1–16
  • Geological map of the area around Erfurt. Map and accompanying words, 1932


  • Torsten Krause: Albert Reichardt (1871–1932) and his services to research into geology in the area around Erfurt - in memeoriam of the 75th anniversary of his death. In: Publications of the Natural History Museum Erfurt, 2007, no. 26, pp. 5–11
  • Johannes Biereye : Obituary for Albert Reichardt. In: Yearbooks of the Academy of Charitable Sciences in Erfurt, NF, Issue 51, 1933, pp. 130-133

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Wikisource: Albert Reichardt  - Sources and full texts