Albert Seibel

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Albert Seibel

Albert Seibel (* 1844 in Aubenas , Ardèche ; † 1936 ibid.) Was a French doctor and vine grower in the southern French town of Saint-Julien-du-Serre in the Ardèche department .


His interest in the new breeding of vines arose in 1886, when he received the seeds of the hybrid vine Jaeger 70 bred by Hermann Jaeger from master baker Eugène Contassot against the background of the phylloxera disaster in France . When phylloxera was recognized as the cause of the massive grapevine death, crosses between phylloxera- resistant American and European Vitis vinifera varieties were one of the most promising attempts to contain the catastrophe.

Of its approximately 16,000 new breeds, almost 500 varieties are or have been used commercially on a large scale. Many also found their way into later new breeds ( see also Seibel vines with a list of its most important grape varieties).

In addition to his extensive work as a vine grower, he founded a school in 1895 to learn the technique of grafting plants.

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