Albert Semsrott

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Albert Heinrich Ludwig Semsrott (born March 16, 1869 in Lesum near Bremen ; † May 6, 1936 there ) was a German captain and writer .


Semsrott came from a merchant family . After dropping out of school at the age of fifteen, he went as a sailor on ships in the merchant navy . During the First World War he was the helmsman on board the auxiliary cruiser Möve , later he rose to become captain .

In 1928 Semsrott published two books about his pirate journeys with the seagull , which, with print runs of over 50,000 copies, were among the most successful war books of the Weimar Republic . In the 1930s, three novels appeared in which Semsrott described his time as a cabin boy . While the two war books were included in the list of literature to be segregated in the Soviet occupation zone in 1946 due to their militaristic tendency and were not reprinted in the Federal Republic either, the experience reports from Semsrott's youth in West Germany were reprinted as youth books up until the 1950s .


  • The breakthrough of the seagull , Stuttgart 1928
  • The privateer Möwe , Stuttgart 1928
  • Hein Spuchtfink on a long journey , Stuttgart 1934
  • Hein Spuchtfink, the Bremen cabin boy , Stuttgart 1934
  • Spuchtfink sails around the world , Stuttgart 1936
  • The Book of the Seagull , Stuttgart 1940

Individual evidence

  1. Evangelical Church Lesum: Church book . Funerals No. 53/1936.