Albert Unseld

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Albert Unseld (born October 5, 1879 ; † July 23, 1964 in Ulm ) was a German architect and painter .


After graduating from high school in Ulm in 1898 , Unseld studied architecture for three years at the Technical University of Stuttgart , including with Gustav Halmhuber , and also attended a painting course with Adolph Treidler (1846–1905). In 1901 the first state examination and the gold medal of the Technical University of Stuttgart followed for the design for the interior decoration of an artist's house. A first exhibition took place at the Kunstverein Stuttgart. From 1902 to 1906 he was Paul Wallot's assistant at the Dresden Art Academy and a painter student of Gotthardt Kuehl and Eugen Bracht . In 1904 he traveled to Paris for the first time. In 1906 he went on a one-year study trip through Switzerland, Italy, France and the Netherlands. Later he passed the second state examination and was appointed head of the new technical college for building trade in Biberach an der Riss . In 1919 he was a co-founder of the Ulm Artists' Guild . In 1928 he traveled to Dalmatia . From 1930 to 1936 he was a member of the German Association of Artists and made friends with the painter Paul Kleinschmidt . In 1932 the second trip to Dalmatia followed. From 1946 to 1956 he was a member of the Free Voters in the Ulm City Council , head of the archaeological office and collaborator in the reconstruction of the city of Ulm. In 1953 he traveled to Switzerland and in 1958 to Egypt. In 1964 he was awarded the Medal of Honor of the City of Ulm; Exhibitions took place in Munich, Berlin, Dresden, Ulm, Essen, Vienna, Stuttgart and Reutlingen.


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