Albert Wiedmann

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Albert Wiedmann (born April 13, 1901 in Magdeburg , † September 19, 1970 in Vienna ) was an Austrian dermatologist .


Albert Wiedmann studied natural sciences and medicine at the University of Vienna . After completing his doctorate , he worked as an assistant doctor, later as an assistant at the 2nd Dermatology Clinic, and completed his habilitation in dermatology in 1936. In the same year he became Primarius at the Rainerspital . After the Second World War he was significantly involved in the reconstruction of the 2nd Dermatology Clinic and became its director. From 1950 he was a full professor for skin and venereal diseases. Among other things, he researched pernilla monotherapy for syphilis, the varicose symptom complex and allergological and immunodermatological issues.

Wiedmann's grave at Vienna's central cemetery

Wiedmann was buried in an honorary grave in the Protestant cemetery of the Vienna Central Cemetery.


In 1964 he was elected a member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina .


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ 60th birthday of Albert Wiedmann , Vienna City Hall Correspondence April 1961
  2. ^ A. Wiedmann: 20 years of penicillin treatment for syphilis, Spring. 26th conference in association with the Swiss Society for Dermatology and Venereology held in Zurich from 17. – 20. April 1964. In: Archives for Clinical and Experimental Dermatology. Volume 219, 1964, pp. 160-169.
  3. ↑ List of members Leopoldina, Albert Wiedmann (with picture)