Aleksandras Dambrauskas

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Aleksandras Dambrauskas

Aleksandras Dambrauskas , pseudonym: Adomas Jakštas (born September 8, 1860 in Kuroniai (Eastern Lithuania ), † February 19, 1938 in Kaunas ) was a Lithuanian Catholic theologian . Philosopher , literary critic and poet .


Aleksandras Dambrauskas was the first Lithuanian to learn the planned language Esperanto in 1887 , the year it was invented by the ophthalmologist Ludwik Lejzer Zamenhof . At that time he was studying at the seminary in Saint Petersburg . In 1890 he wrote the first textbook on Esperanto for the Lithuanians. It appeared in Tilsit and was smuggled into Lithuania as tsarist Russia banned the publication of books written in Lithuanian until 1904 . As a result, Dambrauskas was a promoter of the spread of Esperanto.

Dambrauskas also wrote in Russian, Polish and Latin. He wrote many writings on subjects in the field of philosophy (e.g. Malgrandaj Pensoj pri Grandaj Demandoj [ie small thoughts on big questions ], 1908) mathematics and theology . He was also an important contributor to the Lithuanian Almanac and began writing poetry in Esperanto as early as 1893. A collection of such poems appeared in 1905 under the title Versajareto .

The Samogitian bishop Pranciškus Karevičius awarded Dambrauskas the title of prelate in 1914 . From 1926 Dambrauskas was the chairman of the Lithuanian Catholic Academy of Sciences until his death. He was awarded the honorary doctorate at the suggestion of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Lithuania. He is counted among the awakeners of modern Lithuanian national consciousness.


  • Dambrauskas, Aleksandras , in: Meyers Enzyklopädisches Lexikon , 9th edition, 1971–79, vol. 6, p. 199.
  • Dambrauskas, Aleksandras , in: Geoffrey Sutton: Concise Encyclopedia of the Original Literature of Esperanto, 1887-2007 , 2008, p. 42 f. ( online on Google Books)
  • Ulrich Matthias: Esperanto the New Latin for the Church and for Ecumenism , 2002, Sp. 36 f. ( online on Google Books)


  1. a b Dambrauskas, Aleksandras , in: Geoffrey Sutton: Concise Encyclopedia of the Original Literature of Esperanto, 1887-2007 , 2008, p. 42.
  2. a b Ulrich Matthias: Esperanto the New Latin for the Church and for Ecumenism , 2002, Sp. 36 f.
  3. Dambrauskas, Aleksandras , in: Meyers Enzyklopädisches Lexikon , 9th edition, 1971-79, vol. 6, p. 199.
  4. Aleksandras Dambrauskas-Jakštas , on the website of the Kaunas University of Technology