Alexander Perrig

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Alexander Franz Xaver Perrig (born March 8, 1930 in Lucerne ) is a Swiss art historian .


Perrig studied art history, archeology and philosophy in Basel , Rome and Salamanca . After receiving his doctorate in Basel in 1958, he did research on a scholarship from the Swiss National Science Foundation . In 1961 Perrig took up an assistant position at the Art History Institute of the University of Hamburg . There he presented the habilitation thesis Problems of Hand Drawing: A Contribution to Basic Art Research Research in 1967 . Perrig was Professor of Art History at the Universities of Hamburg (1972–1980), Marburg (1980–1985) and Trier (from 1985 until his retirement in 1995). Then he settled in Frankfurt am Main . This was followed by a substitute professorship at the University of Hamburg (1998–1999) and a visiting professorship at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (2006–2007). In 2002 a commemorative publication was published in his honor.


In his research, Perrig is primarily concerned with drawings from the Renaissance , especially with those of Michelangelo Buonarotti . His work results are considered controversial and met with some fierce opposition in the professional world: Perrig developed a concept for analyzing drawings, the application of which led him to drastically reduce the number of drawings that are clearly attributable to Michelangelo's authorship. Because the affected works would also decrease in financial and ideal value, the debate may also be influenced by economic interests.

So there were repeated arguments, for example in 2009 between Martin Sonnabend, one of the directors of the graphic collection at Frankfurt's Städel Museum , and the art historian Christine Demele, who follows Perrig's positions.

Publications (selection)

  • The legacy of the miniator Don Giulio Clovio (1498–1578) and the miraculous multiplication of Michelangelo Buonarotti's drawings. , Würzburg 2012.
  • Alexander Perrig, Ernst-Gerhard Güse (ed.): Drawings from Tuscany: The Age of Michelangelo (on the occasion of the exhibition Drawings from Tuscany. The Age of Michelangelo ' in the Saarland Museum Saarbrücken September 28 - November 23, 1997) 1997.
  • Assumptions about Andrea del Verrocchio's person and artistic goals . In: Herbert Beck , Maraike Bückling, Edgar Lein (ed.): The Christ-Thomas group by Andrea del Verrocchio. Frankfurt a. M. 1996, pp. 81-101.
  • Lorenzo Ghiberti , the door to paradise: why an artist goes beyond the scope. Frankfurt a. M. 1990.
  • Albrecht Dürer or the secrecy of German heresy: The Apocalypse Dürer among other things works from 1495 to 1519. Weinheim 1987.
  • Lucas Cranach and Cardinal Albrecht von Brandenburg . Remarks on the 4 Jerome panels. In: Forma et subtilitas. Festschrift for Wolfgang Schöne on his 75th birthday. Berlin 1986, pp. 50-62.
  • Michelangelo studies. 3 vols. Frankfurt a. M. 1976-1977.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Meine Firma AG: «The waste land of paper» - page 9: rheinsprung11 - magazine for image criticism. Retrieved June 11, 2017 .
  2. ^ University of Trier: Art History - Alumni. (No longer available online.) Archived from the original on October 24, 2017 ; accessed on June 11, 2017 .
  3. ^ Barbara Hüttel / Jeanette Kohl: Re-Visionen. On the topicality of art history. Festschrift for Alexander Perrig , Berlin 2002
  4. Horst Bredekamp : A dispute of weight. In: Zeit-Online , December 19, 2007.
  5. Kia Vahland: Alleged Michelangelo at Christie's: Large neck, small butt in the Süddeutsche Zeitung , accessed on June 2, 2017
  6. See the online portal Sehepunkte with a comment on Saturday and the replica of Demele , including the links to previous reviews of Demele on the Michelangelo exhibition catalog, which was edited by Saturday . Drawings and attributions .