Alexander Sergeevich Sarudny

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Alexander Sergeevich Sarudny

Alexander Sergeyevich Zarudny ( Russian Александр Сергеевич Зарудный * August 19 . Jul / 31 August  1863 greg. In Tsarskoye Selo (Tsar's Village); † 30th November 1934 in Leningrad ) was a Russian lawyer and politician. In the summer of 1917 he was briefly Minister of Justice in the Provisional Government under Kerensky .


In 1885 Alexander Sarudny graduated from the Sankt Petersburg Imperatorskoje utschilischtsche prawowedenija (Imperial Law School) and found a job in the secretariat of the Saint Petersburg District Court.

In 1887 Alexander's brother Sergei was exiled to Siberia for three years . He was involved in an attempted assassination on Alexander III. been accused. Incredible writings had been found in the shared apartment. Alexander, like his brother, had been arrested, but was released from custody within a week due to lack of evidence.

After spending about a year abroad, Alexander Sarudny was employed in the Russian Ministry of Justice from 1888 to 1891 . From 1891 the service took him to the public prosecutor's offices in some governorates . So he got to know the administration of justice in Kremenchuk , Poltava and Petrozavodsk . From 1895 to 1900 he was deputy prosecutor at the District Court of Saint Petersburg. His subsequent service - again in the Russian Ministry of Justice - earned him the title of State Councilor and two medals up to 1902 .

As a lawyer in the St. Petersburg Chamber of Lawyers, he took over the defense of Russian opponents of the monarchy from 1902 - for example

He became Deputy Minister of Justice in March 1917, but resigned from the post in June. From then on, he helped his friend Kerensky in a group of experts in the preparations for taking power , was rewarded with the post of Justice Minister in August and resigned after just one month.

Later in the Soviet Union , Alexander Sarudny was politically inactive. He worked in the Society for Former Political Prisoners and Exiles founded by Felix Dzerzhinsky on March 21, 1921 ; defended in criminal matters. He taught in his field and made lecture tours on legal topics throughout Germany. Alexander Sarudny's application for retirement was granted in 1933.


  • The father, privy councilor and senator Sergei Ivanovich Sarudny (1821-1887), married to Soja Alexandrowna Sarudnaja, was a lawyer and one of the heads of the judicial reform of Alexander II in 1864.
  • The sister Ekaterina Sergejewna Sarudnaja-Kawos (1861-1917) was an artist ( graphic artist ).




Web links

  • Entry at (Russian)
  • Entry in (Russian)
  • Entry at (Russian)


  1. In 1906 Alexander Sarudny defended the revolutionary Trotsky. The latter writes about it in Chapter 15, Trial, Exile, Flight of His Memories : “The mother [Trotsky] spoke to the defense lawyers and tried to hear from them again and again something pleasant about me. During my speech, the meaning of which could not have been clear to her, she wept softly. She began to cry louder when about twenty defense attorneys, one at a time, came up to me to shake my hand. One of the lawyers moved, citing general excitement, to suspend the trial. That was AS Sarudny. He was Minister of Justice in the Kerensky government and kept me in prison on charges of treason ... But that was ten years later. "
  2. The Romanovtsy were exiles - captured opponents of the tsar - who had armed revolted in the Yakutsk katorga and then broke out of the katorga in the village of Alexandrowskoye (ru) in the Irkutsk region.