Alexander Wirminghaus

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Franz Johann Caspar Alexander Wirminghaus (born May 15, 1863 in Schwelm ; † October 3, 1938 in Cologne-Lindenthal ) was a German lawyer , author and professor at the Cologne University of Commerce and the University of Cologne that emerged from it .


Alexander Wirminghaus was the son of Julius Wirminghaus and Emma, ​​geb. Small. In 1885 he was appointed completing his studies in political science at the University of Halle-Wittenberg with a thesis on the history of economics to Dr. phil. PhD . Subsequently he worked as an employee at the imperial statistical offices in Dresden and Oldenburg . In Oldenburg he also met his later wife Else Strackerjan . 1892 joined Wirminghaus as general counsel at the service of the Cologne Chamber of Commerce , where he remained until 1916th He resigned his office unusually during the First World War , which was due to strong differences with the new President Louis Hagen .

He has been a lecturer at the commercial college since it was founded in 1901 . In 1902 he was appointed professor. With the re-establishment of the University of Cologne in 1919, Alexander Wirminghaus was taken over by it, where he had been an honorary professor since 1921 , i.e. only teaching part-time. He published scientifically in the field of economics and economic history.

In addition to numerous other association memberships - including the German Werkbund since 1912 - Alexander Wirminghaus headed the local history museum of the city of Nideggen in the Eifel for many years .


On May 20, 1890, Alexander Wirminghaus married Else Strackerjan in Oldenburg. As a musician and piano teacher, Else Wirminghaus has been an active advocate of the women's movement since the beginning of the 20th century . They had three children together. Their only son, Helmuth , became a well-known Cologne architect.

Fonts (selection)

  • Two Spanish mercantilists: Gerónimo de Uztáriz and Bernardo de Olloa. A contribution to the history of political economy.  : Otto Hauthal (G. Pätz'sche Buchdruckerei), Naumburg as 1886 (also dissertation University Halle-Wittenberg); also in: Collection of economic and statistical treatises of the political science seminar in Halle ad Saale. Volume 4., Issue 2
  • The transport system in the area of ​​the city of Cologne. In: Festschrift for the XIV. German Geographers' Day. DuMont Schauberg , Cologne 1903 digitized .
  • The relationship of the Netherlands to German shipping tax policy. Cologne Chamber of Commerce, Cologne 1909.
  • The Rhine-North Sea Canal from the transport city points. Dumont Schauberg, Cologne 1913.
  • Memorandum to assess the economic situation and organizational efforts in navigation on the Rhine. DuMont-Schauberg, Cologne 1913.
  • with Adolf Ottmann: Expert opinion regarding the economic effects of an Aachen-Rhine canal. Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the Essen, Mülheim-Ruhr and Oberhausen districts, Essen 1926.


Individual evidence

  1. a b c North Rhine-Westphalia State Archives, Rhineland civil status archive, civil status register, Cologne-Lindenthal registry office, deaths, 1938, certificate no. 1937
  2. Two Spanish mercantilists: Gerónimo de Uztáriz and Bernardo de Olloa. A contribution to the history of political economy.
  3. a b c Ulrich S. Soénius, Jürgen Wilhelm: Kölner Personenlexikon.