Alexandra Pavlovna Tjaschowa

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Alexandra Pavlovna Tjaschowa ( Russian Александра Павловна Тяжёва * April 1 . Jul / 14. April  1901 greg. In Ardatov ; † 14. October 1978 in Ufa ) was a Soviet geologist and paleontologist .


Tjaschowa studied at the University of Kazan in the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics , graduating in 1929 as an engineer- geologist. From 1928 she worked in the prospecting group of the geology department of the Bashkir expedition of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (AN-SSSR) for the development of the Bashkir oil region .

From 1931 to 1958 Tjaschowa worked as a leading geologist and group leader of the South Urals geology administration. In 1947 she received her doctorate as a candidate for geological and mineralogical sciences.

1952 Tjaschowa was scientific senior staff member of the 1951 founded the Institute of Mining and Geology of the Bashkir Branch of the AN SSSR in Ufa. There she organized in 1955 the Laboratory of Stratigraphy and Paleontology and led it until 1970. Her research focuses on the stratigraphy and paleontology was the Devon - and coal - sediments of the southern Urals western slope. She described new Devonian brachiopods species. She was involved in the discovery of the South Urals bauxite basin.

Honors, prizes

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Башкирская энциклопедия: ТЯЖЁВА Александра Павловна (accessed August 18, 2020).
  2. a b Institute of Geology - Subdivision of the Ufa Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Лаборатория стратиграфии палеозоя (история) (accessed August 18, 2020).
  3. А. П. Тяжева, Р. А. Жаворонкова, А. А. Гарифуллина: Кораллы и брахиоподы нижнего девона Южного Урала . Nauka , Moscow 1976.